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Reel to match a bushy rod rated 10-24kg for jigging


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Can someone please recommend a reel to match a 7" Rod 10-24kg? I am after something as lite as possible but enough power to handle kingfish as this is what primarily i will be chasing.

I have a 5500 size reel, but was hoping there would be something lighter as it gets heavy after a while of jigging? Its about 600g, is this normal for a jigging rod?

I will be using braid

budget up to $150

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600g is not really a heavy reel. But a 7ft rod, particularly one that is not a purpose built jigging rod is more likely to be the reason you are getting tired.

The other element to consider is that you need to do more jigging to build up your fitness level.

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If I was going Jigging. I'd keep the reel if it's a reasonable one. Around 4.9\5.2 to 1 with a decent drag.(you can upgrade that)

and change the rod. 7ft is a popper stick not jig stick.

I have around 5 or 6 jiggers. all below 6ft. 5 ft 6in even better.A decent PARABOLIC jig stick will make your jigging enjoyable

But you do need to get fit.

Try to borrow one first and try jigging. It's a love hate relationship. Bloody hard work regardless

. But done properly with decent mid range geat an enjoyable days fishing.

I do Outrigger canoeing in the surf for my fitness 6 blokes one canoe. Plus push bike and dumbells.

Oh I'm 70 so age is no barrier. but fitness makes ALL the difference to a good day and Oh Shit. I won't do that again.

And don't forget to use a hand grip spring unit. If you can't hold the rod you can't catch a fish.

Watch how many keep swapping hands. flexing fingers. and just lean back having a rest.

Get fit. Good grip. and you won't be one of them.

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The shorter the Better for a jigging rod think about how a lever works on a longer rod your loading yourself up which is making you tired. What fish are you chasing? To be honest you can get away with cheap braid but you'd be best to spend some more dollars on better quality line and a reel with decent drag to tackle the solid fish like kings ect

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