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I admit, I don't have the patience, nor the skills, and not the time to head out at 4am, and go squidding

So my idea was to get some lures, a bit deeper then then 2m and see what that does, hoping for a King. And yes, I know, it's not the right way.

So I went into a tackle shop in the city (not naming anyone here) and asked the kind staff what would be the best way to bring the lure a bit deeper.

First he argued that with the setup I have a diviving lure should go deep enough (and from what I have seen, there's too much line out that pulls the lure back up)

Then he suggested I buy a Downrigger. Well I don't want to.

So when I told him I was hoping to get a King, he mentioned that the harbodies would not be the right approach: I should go and catch some squids.

At that time I kind of knew he did not want to sell me anything that would not work, so thanks for that, appreciated.

I told him then, that I was too lazy to go squidding, and as a reply i got "Then you're too lazy to fish for Kings"

Now, if that would have come from a friend, or my wife, that would have been ok, but from him.

Ohh well, it seems I won't be catching a King anytime soon.

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Dude don't hate on the guy. Fishing requires dedication and relying on easy lure fishing won't put fish on your line. What makes you think you gotta be up at 4am to catch squid? Why can't you go the day before on sunset or even at night. Its all about location. You can put me anywhere and if there is squid there, ill catch it any time of day or night. If you can't catch squid, try yellow tail. They are a piece of piss to catch and do quite well. Drop them on the side of the boat and wait.

Lures are only really an option when the fish are really going at it. You gotta be at the right place at the right time.

I don't think what he said was meant in a negative form. If you're too lazy to buy some materials to do some renovation work at home, then you're too lazy to do renovation work. Catching live baits, in particular squid, is a part of catching kingfish. Ive seen the effort people put into catching fish whether it be a king, jewfish, flat head etc If they come home empty handed, they are even more committed next time to do something different to get the fish.

Bringing a lure down deeper requires a down rigger and a lure diver(its a weird shaped plate made of plastic). Unless you buy deeper diving lures or use full metal lures or plastics to sink, then sinking a lure with a bib or what ever its called really is up to the lure.

My advice, catch the squid the night before then go out in the morning. You can even try your luck with fresh squid from specific tackle stores.

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+1 for that

I put more effort into catching the bait than I do the actual fish, whether it be Jews, flathead, snapper or kings fresh bait collection is part of the process. In saying that I'd advise try lures and be happy with what you get whether that be bonito, tailor or salmon and you'll get rewarded sooner or later with a king

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With no intention to cause offence....

You've obviously had everything handed to you on a platter, therefore can't comprehend that anything worth acquiring requires effort and work. Personally I would have been embarrassed to publish a post like this. Yes you can catch them poppers and bibbed lures, but live yakka or fresh caught squid is the go.

You need a decent outfit, otherwise the time you put in catching your bait ain't worth jack because your gear will fail. Not to say the powerful king won't find his way to the bottom a lot of the time.


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With no intention to cause offence.... You've obviously had everything handed to you on a platter, therefore can't comprehend that anything worth acquiring requires effort and work.

You have no clue how wrong you are. Thing is I hardly have any time to go fishing, and only with huge effort I manage to get a decent session in once a month. Guess I spend more time with my wife and the kids then then those who suggest to go fish the night before and put more effort in, with of course no intention to cause offence here, and also do things around the house which really reduces my time on the water.

I probably don't see fishing as effort and work, but more as a past time to enjoy my time.

So yes, the idea is to catch Kings, but everything else that bites, is more then welcome.

Be it tuna, taylor, trevallys, salmon, sharks, and so on ...

I fully agree with the staff person, that the chances to catch a king, if I dont put in more effort, are very low ( Still managed 3 rats on prawn, and pilchard)

But what I dont understand that, given the circumstances, he wouldnt at least help me to improve things a bit, or at least help me to get those lures down more.

Because that's really what I asked him. I walk out of the shop frustrated, knowing that the guy is right, but my problem is not solved. And he has not sold a thing.

Weird way of doing business. Give me what I wants, and tell me it probably wont work. Both happy !

Maybe, just my assumption, I was not buying a $400 reel, or $200 rod, so ..... more important customers to serve. I understand that too.

Maybe the right place for me are the big shopping markets, or the internet.

"You need a decent outfit, otherwise the time you put in catching your bait ain't worth jack"

I wonder how you get to the conclusion that I don't have decent fishing gear, anyway thanks for the "Tip"

"In saying that I'd advise try lures and be happy with what you get whether that be bonito, tailor or salmon and you'll get rewarded sooner or later with a king"

"However if you work the right places with lures, you will get a king sooner or maybe later!"

That's exactly what I am after ! Tell me what I can do better with what I have, and I am already one step further.

And once I see that going deep, it improves the chances, I might think of buying a downrigger, from the person that helped me to get in that place in the first time.

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He advised you to buy a down rigger and you didn't. You want to get your lures down deep right? If you caught rats with pilchards, then keep trying and you might get lucky. Like I suggested before, get some yellow tail. Its not hard to get them before a kingfish outing. I still don't understand why you have it fixated in your head you can only catch squid at 4am. What time do you go out to seek the kings? 7am? 8am? Plenty of time to get squid in the tank.

Sorry dude but you aren't going to win this argument, fishing for me is fun, enjoyable and relaxing. Something I do when Ive got spare time, its not like I live to fish. I do it when there's nothing to do. If Ive only got two days off in a month, ill spend one collecting bait or hell even both and just have a good supply of frozen squid in the freezer ready to go any single time I wish to go out.

You want to get your lures deeper, get a down rigger. Theres no simpler answer. You buy a 2m diving lure, you can't make it go deeper due to the physical limitations of the lure. You need something to drag it down deeper. The concept is simple.

You've got the lures, there is nothing more you can do to improve your catch. Like I said above, if you're in the right spot at the right time, they work, otherwise you've reached the end of the stick. Maybe try rub some s factor on your hard body lures. Maybe try start a burly trail and use a lure matching what you're using for burly.

Edited by SargeRX8
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He advised you to buy a down rigger and you didn't.

I get the point ! Go big (expensive) or go home.

I was thinking of something much simpler, like a big fat sinker, before the 2 meter leader in front of the lure / yellowtail (If I manage to catch one)

My worry is that the whole line could get twisted. I thought that there could be a sinker in such a shape, that could stop the twisting.

In other countries, you can buy Systems, where you lock and tye in a (dead)fish, and the system provides the sinking and the move for the dead fish.

Maybe that would be a solution.

"hell even both and just have a good supply of frozen squid in the freezer ready to go any single time I wish to go out."

> what's the difference to buy fresh squids at the fishmarket?

"You buy a 2m diving lure, you can't make it go deeper due to the physical limitations of the lure. You need something to drag it down deeper. The concept is simple."

As I said, with a 200g sinker, I bet the lure goes down. Simple Physics. The twisting of the line is something different.

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He advised you to buy a down rigger and you didn't.

I get the point ! Go big (expensive) or go home.

I was thinking of something much simpler, like a big fat sinker, before the 2 meter leader in front of the lure / yellowtail (If I manage to catch one)

My worry is that the whole line could get twisted. I thought that there could be a sinker in such a shape, that could stop the twisting.

In other countries, you can buy Systems, where you lock and tye in a (dead)fish, and the system provides the sinking and the move for the dead fish.

Maybe that would be a solution.

"hell even both and just have a good supply of frozen squid in the freezer ready to go any single time I wish to go out."

> what's the difference to buy fresh squids at the fishmarket?

"You buy a 2m diving lure, you can't make it go deeper due to the physical limitations of the lure. You need something to drag it down deeper. The concept is simple."

As I said, with a 200g sinker, I bet the lure goes down. Simple Physics. The twisting of the line is something different.

If you feel like you're being attacked here, it's ok because you are... You've come here sooking that you want to catch a king but can't be assed putting in the effort to get live or fresh bait, and looking for cheaper alternatives to method that are tried and tested.

I have a family, yet get up at 330am to try and muster up some squid on my one day a week off, yes that's right I work 6 days a week, but thank goodness my wife encourages me to go fishing.

Why do you think every one here is recommending fresh caught squid or live yakka? Because you'll be fishing a long time with fish market squid or servo squid before you get a hook up.

Best of luck with your future king endeavours.


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Might have to prove you wrong then, Going to fish at 1PM, Using a fat sinker to get the bait (pilchard from the servo or hard bodies) in range of the Kings,

and relying on my luck rather then the tired and tested methods of getting up at 3:30 AM

Good luck with that, looking forward to reading your report.


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Dude don't hate on the guy. Fishing requires dedication and relying on easy lure fishing won't put fish on your line. What makes you think you gotta be up at 4am to catch squid? Why can't you go the day before on sunset or even at night. Its all about location. You can put me anywhere and if there is squid there, ill catch it any time of day or night. If you can't catch squid, try yellow tail. They are a piece of piss to catch and do quite well. Drop them on the side of the boat and wait.

Lures are only really an option when the fish are really going at it. You gotta be at the right place at the right time.

I don't think what he said was meant in a negative form. If you're too lazy to buy some materials to do some renovation work at home, then you're too lazy to do renovation work. Catching live baits, in particular squid, is a part of catching kingfish. Ive seen the effort people put into catching fish whether it be a king, jewfish, flat head etc If they come home empty handed, they are even more committed next time to do something different to get the fish.

Bringing a lure down deeper requires a down rigger and a lure diver(its a weird shaped plate made of plastic). Unless you buy deeper diving lures or use full metal lures or plastics to sink, then sinking a lure with a bib or what ever its called really is up to the lure.

My advice, catch the squid the night before then go out in the morning. You can even try your luck with fresh squid from specific tackle stores.

hit the nail on the head there mate

Sent from my GT-I9100T using Tapatalk 2

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If you feel like you're being attacked here, it's ok because you are... Fishingphase

Lets hope thats more like spirited advice than an attack. :biggrin2:

Cameldownunder -you might try throwing some sluggos or hollow bellies (what ever plastic are currently in vogue for kings) - put em on a weighted jig head and allow them to sink down alongside any of the "usual" harbour markers and retrieve back diagonally past the marker or structure (covering all the water column) . Have caught plenty doing this over the years. Beats trolling hardbodies around IMO

Cheers Blood Knot

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