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DHYPE's Fishing Charters..... with Swordy as a customer!


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This is what happens when you get two like-minded people together and force them into an enclosed environment.

The only weapons allowed are fishing tackle and a sharp wit.

There are no rules except "no hitting below the gymbal"...

They will hurl crap at eachother and enjoy every minute of it - and then they can't wait for the next round when they will get sweet revenge....

Afterwards, the combatants, er, I mean the fishing 'friends' can have access to a keyboard, a website and a virtual audience.

The fishing fireworks created online provides the entertainment for us onlookers.

Jeez - you guys just love to hate eachother and we love it !

Next time, you guys will surely need a referee !

Might have to turn it into a online competition of "who's gonna catch the most / biggest"....or otherwise win via unscrupulous methods....

Very entertaining read Trung and Stewie - love your 'work'....


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Hi Stewy, Yes that was me by myself, no kings on the DR that day, in fact it was hard al round. Stew

Next time yell out FISHRAIDER and we can hurl abuse at you as well :argue: COME SAY HI NEXT TIME

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