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Bugs Bugs & Bugs


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G'day Guys, these bugs are driving me crazy & thought this may be the quickest way to identify, I've just noticed heaps of these little blighters out on my back deck & they seem to like the dogs bowl, never seen them before & need an ID,funny little things & believe it or not they are almost in the shape of a fish !! or their little casing is anyway, as you can see motley coloured body or cocoon & some sort of black head comes out one end, if you click on on of the pictures you can see its head sort of, & they actually crawl very slowly around, anyone seen these before ? Any ideas please.



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Thanks for the few guys who replied, not the most exciting post I know but after searching google insect sites I found what i was looking for , it is called a plaster bag worm , harmless & feeds on spiderwebs apparently, yeh I know despite what u r thinking we are not the Addams family, although my tackle box & rods do have that look ! Maybe I can use that as an excuse to go & have a fish , a yeah mystery solved , have a look around maybe we should all have a fish to blow the cobwebs off !!!!

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what you got is called Silverfish.

They are the larvae of a small moth.

they not only eat spider webs, but they also love to eat fabrics. so if you start finding small holes all over your T shirts, you know the culprit.


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You got me thinking Vladimir, but i'm now not sure, Ive googled silverfish larvae & plaster bagworm/household case bearer larvae & they all look exactly the bloody same, same shape cocoon that they drag around, Plaster bagworm sounds more harmless than silverfish, either way if you look towards the sky tonight & see a big mushroom cloud somewhere over Epping it will be me hammering them with some sort of pesticide bomb. :1spider:

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