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Hawkesbury Creeks 3/3/13


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Hey there Raiders,

Me and a close friend took out the canoe last Sunday for a SP flick around one of the hawkesburys creeks. First thing that had us stumped was the lack of tide, which usually is quite strong is lasting evidence of the impact of last weeks heavy rains. Pushing on up the creek we were surprised by the clarity of the water expecting to see a total 'mud-out' we were greeted with a mild tea-tree like colour!! Things were looking up?

No. the first 2 1/2 hours of the run in tide left us with a bitter taste in our mouth as the usual flathead hotspots only produced three undersized flathead amongst the swarm of SP destroying taylor. :wife: Moving further into the creek as tides allowed we decided to put the rods down and see just how far we can travel upstream whilst waiting for the tide to slow down & eventually reverse.

Ending up here: VwVMqJD.jpg

And the mate spotting this oddity not far from the canoe in about ankle deep water: http://youtu.be/cNyxaGPyYjo Any guesses?

After this, and noticing the reverse in tide we headed out back into the mangroves to continue our search. To my surprise the 3rd flick and subsequent snag on the 'groves and my drag was screaming and the fish not giving an inch for a minute or so. Thinking to myself oh this is a big flatty here we were gobsmacked when this came into the net:
5jlmUYx.jpg :banana:

Hanging around for the next 20 minutes also produced another Thumper going roughly 40cms, as the tide dragged us back down stream over the weedbeds we managed quite a few undersized EP's with the best going 37cm to the tip. aY0xKcs.jpg

Roughly 5pm saw the SE wind bringing in showery squalls and general wet'n'cold mayhem so we decided to chalk up a win for the day & trailer up which was too easy as the total tide fluctuation was only roughly 1ft :blink: .....

Catch of the Day: ekHm6DP.jpg

Tight Lines guys!

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Guest mike2153

Ep's? Estury perch? In Patonga creek? Tailor? mate all ive ever caught are bream and flathead, maybe the odd whiting.

Do you have any tips for the creek for me mate any good spots? I go fishing there almost every weekend its my favourite place in the world.

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Hey Qnut, the guessing games on locations are just as bad as "spot x" which we here on fishraider frown upon.

Thank You

I am sorry. Will not happen again.

Ep's? Estury perch? In Patonga creek? Tailor? mate all ive ever caught are bream and flathead, maybe the odd whiting.

Do you have any tips for the creek for me mate any good spots? I go fishing there almost every weekend its my favourite place in the world.

The further reaches of the creek where the last substancial mangroves meet the freshwater creek - This area seems to have the most succesful hookups on the widest range of species for Patonga. (Shallows definatley dont mean less fish) Also check the sandy channel thats paralelle to 'jackaranda ave' *good for live bait pumping & drifting* Im no expert but my handfull of trips to Pat. have always been successful even on the worst of conditions

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Good post Qnut. I have fished up there a lot over the years and am not surprised at what is caught. It's a real healthy little waterway. If that was a guessing game then you sure don't have a good idea of how to make it hard to find out where you were talking about! It's nothing like "spot x" I for one will tell any fishó where I caught fish. Just because I caught fish at x location doesn't mean you will catch fish there tomorrow or even a couple of hours later!

Regards Jeff

Edited by Day's Fishin
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Patonga Creek is, I think, quite an amazing little waterway with the diversity of species and quite picturesque landscape making it very enjoyable. But I believe it is also quite fragile. It is small enough to have reached an equilibrium, but not big enough to handle upsetting that equilibrium. If one is going to fish there, do so responsibly, keep few, throw back many, handle carefully.

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Its the only place ive consistantly caught Ludderick on pumped nippers :) I love the place... and testlab is correct - Its big enough to fish yet small enough to have a *VERY* fragile ecosystem.

PROTIP: Its a horrible place to fish in school/P. Holidays and gets raped and pillaged during the xmas-newyear holidays (the run-in tide *floating* rubbish on the 23rd Dec. 2012. from the caravan park at the mouth was sickening)

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Yeah, I have a similar little creek in the Hacking system...

Love the place but only hit it rarely, and in the quiet times.

We have to look after these joyous places as this city of ours hets so large.

All us old blokes and their stories of wondrous fish "back in the day", but there were less than half the people fishing back then!

Tight lines guys!


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