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Out of the Hacking


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Tried again today, 5 am start, sea was a little rough for my small boat, so went and fished off Green hills in 3 metres of water. Was using soft plastics, and had a ball, caught 6 and lost as many again at the side of the boat. They were grabbing the tails and not taking the hook, only two were keepers but lots of fun. The wind dropped and the sea died down a little about lunchtime, so ventured out to the wanderers, nothing doing out there apart for a large school of slimeys that went past. Now armed with fresh bait I moved to the Middle ground, caught 2 undersize snapper and two rock cod. Lost 4 rigs to the jackets. The wind picked up and increased the drift and the flatty’s started to bite, Most were undersize but managed 6 keepers before they stopped biting. Made up for my fishless day last week.



Edited by grandad
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At least you caught something to take home. Had a swim at Wanda today, not much swell, looked to be a good day to be out there.

You said it was a little bit rough, not much swell compared to a swim at Wanda last week.

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5 am it was too much for my 4m boat. It got better as the day progressed then worsened as the wind picked up in the afternoon. Seabreeze said the wave period should have been 6 seconds and wave height 2.2 feet, it was more like 3 seconds wave height was over a metre. Flat as a tack behind the merries.


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