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Soapie vs jewie


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Hey all

Still chasing the elusive jew and seem to be getting warmer. I can reliably catch small soapies right up to 44cm but no legals yet.

Does this mean im in the right spot?

Or do the big ones play by different rules?

Can you recommend strategy to upgrade to the big boys?

Anyone else in the same boat?

I have been fishing light and heavy with peeled prawns and yakkas.



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Live bait or large baits. Usually you won't get a big one if catching soapies, not that there isn't one lurking around but because the little ones are quicker and less shy to take a bait. Big one's like hanging around deep holes and eddies where small ones can be caught just about anywhere.

Regards Jeff

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Live bait or large baits. Usually you won't get a big one if catching soapies, not that there isn't one lurking around but because the little ones are quicker and less shy to take a bait. Big one's like hanging around deep holes and eddies where small ones can be caught just about anywhere. Regards Jeff

Where are you fishing . I see your around concord? Kissing point wharf is where I started get good fish there . Throw backs but still Jews

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Mate soapie jews that are living in rivers have a diet predominantly made up of prawns. When they get to a certain size, maybe around 50cm or so, they stop being interested in prawns and are after small fish such as mullet, chopper tailor and yakkas.

I don't have experience fishing the parra river for them but there's no reason there shouldn't be migratory larger fish cruising through the same spots as you are catching your soapies, just start using baits like live mullet that are more attractive to the bigger fish. The larger migratory fish do most of their feeding around, or just after, slack water. So that's the best time to target them.



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your not being honest without a big bait in the water, preferably catch, or buy a big xl mullet tailor even a salmon or bonnie/frigate/mack around 40-60cms and chop its tail out and put it under your boat.

one day it will get eaten,

it might take a while but your patient.

cos your a jewfisherman.

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I mainly use whole butterflied yakka or yakka fillets. Its tough trying to catch live bait in the afternoon in the river.

Any good spots in the river to catch mullet?

Should i be using a trap?

When i fish for kings i have the bait a few metres off bottom or mid water, is it the same for jews?

Thanks all

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Fillets id say. Squid strips are good too but often nothing is left after all the peckers. Every jew ive seen caught has been on bait on the bottom with about 1m leader.

The likeliness of a jew on a fly in my opinion is nil. I cant forsee a jew rising to the top to scrap a piece of fluff. Maybe a wet prawn but getting it down into the zone using fly gear is silly.

Ive been putting in efforts for a jew on plastic.

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Fillets id say. Squid strips are good too but often nothing is left after all the peckers. Every jew ive seen caught has been on bait on the bottom with about 1m leader.

The likeliness of a jew on a fly in my opinion is nil. I cant forsee a jew rising to the top to scrap a piece of fluff. Maybe a wet prawn but getting it down into the zone using fly gear is silly.

Ive been putting in efforts for a jew on plastic.

Steve Starling "Starlo" recently got a school jew on fly down on the south coast. So it IS possible.

Cheers, Tom

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Steve Starling "Starlo" recently got a school jew on fly down on the south coast. So it IS possible.

Cheers, Tom

That sounds pretty awesome. That guy has done alot. From all the theories we assume of the jewfish, taking a fly off the surface busts a few.

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When you use the tail is it whole or just the fillet from it?

mate he means cutting the tail off as using the rest of the fish. i run big live mullet and tailor as a preferd live bait for jews. i recently read an old artical writen by craige magill in which he spoke about catching a 52lb jew followed by a 60cm king which went into the jews mouth with out touching the sides so that should give you an idea of how big a jews mouth is. with the same idea i have caught 70cm jews on live yakkas over 20cm so dont be afraid of using big baits. if your landbased dont push your gear to much only cast what you can as i have seen rod tips snapped by people trying to throw big baits and sinkers on the wrong rod. i use a wilson FSU5120 which is a 10 foot solid beach rod capable of casting huge amounts of weight a long way.

also think or look what bait is around where you fish. it there is small yakkas and choppers you will be less likely to hook one on a big live mullet. by far my favorite bait for jews of any size is live squid, small jews will smash solid squid but big jews will still take a strip of squid. learn to catch fresh squid, i will squid for a couple of nights leading up to a big weekend for fishing for jews but the best squid is the ones on location or just before going.

as per your question about catching bigger jews in the same spots as the soapies, as a rule no you wont but it does happen. big fish hang out in deeper water, usually with high tidal flow (but feed on the slack water) so if you want to chase big jews look for promiant points leading into deep water with holes, reefs or other structure to form eddies (some you will see others you wont) but if your after big jews also be prepared to say good by to decent sleep, time with loved ones, and possibly even your sanity it is alot of hard work but the rewardsm are worth it (to some of us). ive been fishing for big jews for 2 years now but only seriously for the past 6 months (more time now im single) i havent landed one yet but lots of decent fish upto 88cm as well as huge flatties, nice kings and small sharks.

good luck hope that helps (and makes sence)

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A mate of mine regularly catches jew on fly, his largest going 17kg. but keep in mind that this comes from many years of targeting jew on bait and lures and having an intimate understanding of the fish and thier patterns. He wrote an article on this same subject a few years ago in saltwater fishing. It is very possible but it is a rather difficult goal you have set yourself.

As for soapies being found in the same places as mature fish. Juveniles have a very different dietry requirement to mature fish. so it is most likely that they will be feeding in different places and situations. learning these patterns is the real key to success.

i do not believe mulloway exclusivley feed in the bottom third of the water column. They are a predator, and when actively hunting can be found anywhere from in amongst tailor schools in mid water to smashing mullet and gar off the surface, or found patroling a hole in 40ft of water.. and the next bloke to pull a 30kg jew out of a 6ft deep beach gutter wont be the first. I dont think mulloway take residence in one particuar part of an estuary, but rather roam using the influence of the tides and weather conditions to exploit particular feeding opportunities, where ever they may present themeselves. I believe most fish that are targeted and caught fishing deep holes ,are not necissarily because the fish are actively hunting these areas but because they are moving through. Like putting a cheese burger out on the road to maccas, some hungry bugger is not going to be able to go past it without having a nibble.

Current and respite from that current, along with structure will hold bait, and at certain times predators will try to take advantages of these congrations of bait. So, observe, learn, understand and you will succeed.

Good luck

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