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Before the Rain


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Hey Raiders,

Not much happening this week with the rain, so I spent much of the weekend doing maintenance work on rods, reels and re-tieing lines. I did get down to the wharf at the Moral on Wednesday last week.

Was surprisingly quiet. No fishos (had the wharf to myself), not many fish, not much at all. Tried for squid, zilch, flicked a few SPs, zilch, soaked a pilchard or two, zilch.

I resorted to spinning a metal slug. Big cast, one left and then one right, one short and then one long followed by a quick retrieve or jerky retrieve or a slower retrieve. Did this 40 or 50 times maybe more. Getting a bit over it, I thought I would pull the pin, when out of the blue this lone salmon comes up from the depths and smashes my Halco metal slug, just at my feet. I saw him come from down deep like a torpedo, wow !!!! what a sight. There is no better sight for a fisho than seeing a fish hit your lure.

The fight was about 4 minutes long, I'd get some line back and once he saw the wharf he was off again. I managed to draw a crowd of Italian tourists that were just walking by. As if on cue the Salmon would jump to the oohhs !!! of the tourists. I landed him without a net and took this pic then let him go, so he could give some fisho a great thrill.


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Hey Phatnat,

I reckon the biggest oooh you would have got is when you released the fish.....

and a few confused questioning looks as well....

Those italian tourists would be thinking:

"Ah thos-a crazee Af-stralian feesher-men. They morto-stupido ! They-a letting the feesh go....If it wasa mee, I woulda be licking my fingers with a seafood and salmon marinara !"...

Well done mate, you entertained the crowd with some amazing angling skills, then confused the hell out of them with the release....

Love your work... :1prop:


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Hey Keflapod,

The only reason I knew they were Italian is because my mumma and papa were born in Italy, so I understood the lingo.

I have to say that your Italian is excellent. LOL.

You are right about their reaction when I let it him go. To quote one of them " Ma questo e pace !!!". Which loosely translates to 'this guy is crazy"


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