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First bonito


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Scored my first landbased bonito today :)


Was fishing with live yakkas in the harbour today when I hooked a large port Jackson :( cut the line because I was too scared of him. I noticed that the large school of whitebait congregating under the wharf had begun to ball up as predators darted in and out. Saw 3 bonnies speeding around hitting the bait ball from all sides. Threw on a 20g halco slug, first cast and there's my first bonito.


Perservered with the metal and a 30mm killer tomato squidgie with plenty of follows but no Hookups. Bled, gilled and gutted, the fish was about 45 cm. I know some people probably put a snell in them and use them as bait, but I was rather happy with him for dinner.

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haha the trick is to bleed and ice straight away....if you dont send them out straight away as bait !

30-60 secs each side on a very hot pan (deps how thick u cut it) you should not over cook it though.....

leave to stand for a bit on a plate and let it cook in the residual heat.....should be slightly pink still!

i find most pelagics turn out tough and crap if u over cook them....unless you are making fish curry....

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Thanks for that advice. A question about bleeding fish; do you cut the throat of the fish or cut down the gills of the fish parallel to the body and cutting towards the tail. I have seen it done both ways with similar results. Also do you bleed all fish, even the little ones?

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yea pretty much as downtofish said..... your trying to hit the aorta/ vessels connecting gills to the aorta. Cut straight down behind the gills down to the spine .....u can kinda see it in the pic i posted....

if you do it right you should see blood squirting out from the cut.

Brain spiking is "humane" and meant to stop the fish from feeling the stress of dying or something like that.....but the fish die quickly enough from bleeding/ice imo

Fish for the table get bled immediately then into ice...improves the taste heaps!


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