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Utter devastation


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Hi all, first time poster long time reader. Thought it was high time I get vocally involved in this brilliant forum! & a big thank you to everyone for sharing your knowledge and advice on this site.

Had a last minute 7:30pm call from the old man, saying we're on for tomorrow to hit the big blue! Catching me totally unexpected we scrambled to get a crew together for a 6:30 kickoff! Sharpie and ian were the first in so best dressed!

hit the bait spot in harbour, filled the tank with jellybean to mid sized yakkas in about 10mins. At the heads set the spread for a high speeds troll to the fad, running small to med bullets but no takers.

Got to the syd fad targeting some dollies, lots of drifters but saw nobody getting any action. Dropped some livies but got no love. Realised sounder wasnt working, after a bit of playing around decided to press on blind. Shot across to the manly wave bouy another loop & swam some livies and again no takers so decided to hit the shelf. swapped the spread for some push and cup faces and plowed a current edge for donuts.

On our way east all was pretty quiet, no birds, no dolphins. Finally hit what we thought was the shelf and started our zigzag. Ran north for a hour came back west then south and couldn't help feeling we should have zigged when we zagged and zagged when we zigged! Sounder still stuffed we couldn't see anything below, the old school method wasn't working out too well. Noticed some boats south of us clustered quiet tight so shot over. 1hr of working a 2km area long corner gets a touch & wakes everyone up. All eyes on it as the fish comes back, it doesn't hesitate, smashed it & bolts like its been zapped with 10000volts; I've never heard line scream off a reel so fast! Everyone swings into action like a well oiled machine clearing the lines & teasers like pros. I get strapped in and hold tight as we start backing down with minimal line left on the reel. She breaks the surface with plenty of stunning acrobatics & we realise this is one BIG fish. I've been lucky enough to bill fish & deckie on a few boats but this was bigger than I'd seen before. After taking what seemed like 1/2 the ocean over the stern we finally manage to start getting back line. After 13mins the line goes slack "@$:!" We're thinking spat hooks; only to wind in with no weight and realise the main line snapped! THE MAINLINE!!!! Could not believe it! We picked up our gear from a fisho who was retiring from his charter business & he said he ran new line on, so should mainline be changed every season?? The drag was all double checked on our way out, so we know it was set right.

After getting over our devastation we troll around working the same area then went back to port gutted! At the end of the day debriefing over a couple of stubbies we realise how lucky we were to at least raise a fish & hook it all with without a sounder.

Going to change over the lines tonight, we're determined to not have this happen again!


Ps - apologies for the essay

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Bad luck but will make you more determined next time . I know there are a few blues around so get back out there and try again. I'm going Friday will let you know how I go in a P.m

Thanks mr. ed will keep chasing, got to crack that nut! Good luck Friday; keen to know how you get on in Friday. Tight lines mate & happy hunting!

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Lost a big one a few weeks back ...bad luck boys it's devastating but awesome to see!!!.... Nothing I mean nothing takes line like a big blue... I'm going solo Friday in search of one... I'm respooling today and taking 24kgs!!!

Hey burnsy74, we were running 50w & 24kg line. We only raised and hooked the one & one is all it takes. the way that hit was like a freight train we're definitely going to break out the 80ws. We'd run 130s if we had em cause after that snap we are hell bent on not wanting to loose another!

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Bad luck boys .....better luck next time. Wont be the last one you lose though. 24kg on the big blues is optimism. There are a few smallish ones getting around but the big 200kg and up ones will see your nice new line dissapear into the depths. Good luck and hope to hear of your success.

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Bad luck guys.. There could be a few reasons for the mainline breaking such as that the drag pressure increases as the spool decreases & with a lot of line out the big belly of line vs the water pressure can sometimes pop 24kg or the fish may have landed on it during a jump. Either way it is heartbreaking!

I would have to agree with issue, if a big blue grabs some plastic on 24kg and heads directly away from the stern I have seen tiagra 50's emptied in under a minute & everyone left standing there wondering what the hell happened. You have to have everyone ready to clear the decks in 40 seconds & put her in reverse - or even forward in some circumstances to try & get line back as soon as possible.

For those looking at fishing the baitstaion area the water was running uphill and pretty dirty on Wednesday but a mate did raise a striped in the area.

Anyway good luck & get back out there as the fishing for blues should continue to improve with this warm water out wide.



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Mate hooked up on a big blue estimated well over 250kg fought over 10 hrs on 37, for it to break 300 lb leader.

Fair dinkum??? That would make for an exhausting day!!! I'd be devastated to after that amount of time!!!

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Mate hooked up on a big blue estimated well over 250kg fought over 10 hrs on 37, for it to break 300 lb leader.

Nooooooooo; shattering! Well they're definitely out there! Gonna catch some zzzz then see about getting out there for an arvo session

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