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Lavender Bay Easter Wkend


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Not bad, not great. Had high hopes of a king or jew - and put in a lot of time over Sat arvo/night through to Sunday night. Mrs out of town = no fishing curfew so was making the most of it.

Squid were a little hard to come by, had to work for 3hrs for about half a dozen. Sent two out live, and they sat there without interest over the next few hours. My brother joined me & we moved to our favourite harbour land-based jew spot back on the south side that is usually reliable for at least school jew/rat kings. The amount of boat traffic made it hard going, and only a nice bream about 33cm broke the duck (taken on a handline meant for yakkas).

Back to Lavender Bay, couldn't get the squid firing again, only managed a couple in an hour. Decided to again drop a handline & berley up some yakkas. No yakkas to speak of but managed a few leatherjackets & a nice trevally (great fight!). All in all a nice plate of fish to eat tonight, though there was a lot of fishless time in between them.

Heck - it was nice being down by the harbour & occasionally having a wharf to myself on a holiday weekend.




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