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Tathra fishing trip


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Hi everyonethis is my first post in need of some help

Im heading down to Tathra this week end could any one point me to some spots I mainly fish the rocks and beach does any one know where there is a easy spots to get some cunji also has anyone fished for mulloway around this area if anyone could help it would be greatly apreciated.

Cheers Tim

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Tathra whalf is a prime spot , catch live bait from around the pylons then cast it out on a floater. The whalf is rather high so if you hook into something decent a long gaff , perhaps around 4mt will be required.

On the RH side comming in to Tathra there is a sign to the boat ramp. Follow the road to the headland above the ramp & on the Northern side there are some good rock ledges

Bega river enters the bay ot the Northern end of the beach. It tends not to be too productive but around the entrance on a run out tide may be worth a try.


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  • 2 weeks later...

We have picked up some belting black bream in the river. Right under the bridge at night.

Bait wise,

Plenty of Nippers to be pumped on the sand flats.

Yakkas by the bucket at the warf.

And Squid at the boat ramp mentioned above.

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Thanks for your help Guys I just got back what a place I only spent 3 nights in Tathra I think you would need 2 weeks to fully explore the place there are that many spots to try.


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