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Is my business idea viable


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Im a full time fireman working 4 on 4 off and have been looking to start up a small business for some time now. Basically my idea is a proof of assets portfolio service. I would come to your home take photos and videos of all the assets in your home gather up all relevant information such as reciepts and serial numbers etc take it back and put it all into a nice package, with itemised lists of all items and their value with photos and copies if reciepts. There is definately a demand as i see all too often the effects of total loss in a house fire and people not knowing what to claim etc.. I also think my current line of work would bring an element of legitimacy to the business.

Pretty random topic but what do you guys reckon?

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Good intentions, but i am seeing a Today Tonight or A Current Affair story for something similar in the near future. Pray it does not happen.

Dis-Honest person posing as a assets valuer with fake I.D. goes to peeps homes and susses out the valuables....and you know the rest.

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Good intentions, but i am seeing a Today Tonight or A Current Affair story for something similar in the near future. Pray it does not happen.

Dis-Honest person posing as a assets valuer with fake I.D. goes to peeps homes and susses out the valuables....and you know the rest.

Well im obviously gonna register the business, anyone who would ransack a house after doing an asset inspection would definately qualify to get on Worlds Dumbest Criminals!!

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Could work well if you were certified? Would that be possible?

I would have to look into it and talk to someone about that. I dont even know if such a business is legal in Australia, i couldnt find any other companies that do it. Dont see why i wouldnt be able to though.

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I trust you are a honorable person, but personally I would not let anyone into my house to check my assets ( not thay I have any ). It just stinks to high heaven that someone wants to see if it's worth it to brake in. I might be paranoid, but after my rods have been stolen out of my car, a few days after I had it serviced, and having the left the rods in the care while it was serviced, I tend not to trust anyone anymnore.

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Most businesses have someone come from their insurance company for though a fire inspection, its just the way it is, if you did get robbed well you know the first person to visit . Sounds like a good idea when combined with fire inspection and fitting smoke alarms etc. As long as you videotaped the contents I wouldn't see any reason to delve too deeply into its value and receipts.

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Its been done before. Independent valuers could catalogue and value items which would be difficult to prove were of a certain condition or had a certain market value. Problem was the insurance companies would never agree to the accept these valuations at face value because of the stupid mark ups and valuations done by jewellers and antique dealers.

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I think a lot will depend on the price,bearing in mind the customer has to find their receipts and get all the assets out and ready for you,if one is doing that they might as-well just take a photo themselves and log it down.

But hey I might be wrong,good luck.

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I think your database would have to be HEAVILY guarded. If i was a hacker i would be targeting you to sell the information to thieves.

Imagine the bribes you and your future staff would be offered. As you know, not everyone is a trustworthy as yourself. Sorry to focus on negatives but i would rather warn you than say nothing.

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