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Yellowfin & marlin off Sydney

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Hi guys,

Reports in over the past 2 days have been of yellowfin to 40kg & marlin in good numbers.

We are chartering tomorrow & will have better reports then. Weather is perfect .. Get out there & let us know how you go.



hi damo was out the back of browns today got around 120kg mako tried to get him in the boat what an aggresive shark bite marrks all up and down the side of the boat he went ballistic so we had to cut him of where you going tommorow by the way thanks for that unreal charter in port

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hi damo was out the back of browns today got around 120kg mako tried to get him in the boat what an aggresive shark bite marrks all up and down the side of the boat he went ballistic so we had to cut him of where you going tommorow by the way thanks for that unreal charter in port

Hey Dave... Like we showed you last year while tuna fishing. They love to play dead & do bugger all at the boat & thats why we release them. Until you gaff them & try and bring them in that's when the fun begins. Flying gaff & tied quickly off to a cleat outside the boat until they are dead is the only way to deal with a mako. Great eating treated properly.

They love to bite everything when you get one of them in the cock pit!

We will be heading up north of browns then back NE for the tide change - hope you get a few.

Glad you guys enjoyed yourselves in Port you are welcome anytime!



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Hey guys.. We went zero's yesterday but the water in parts was great & we did hear a few fish hooked but lost. One boat got bust off by a blue they called for 300kg & did hear of a few yellowfin on Friday. We went out over 600 fathoms looking for a yellowfin.

The best marlin water is from 70-150 fathoms and is around 23.5 and a pretty good colour but if you head wider it drops down a degree or so & greens off. Current was running uphill a little over 1 knot.

Weather looks great get out there & work the shelf area & you are in with a good chance.

Good luck


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Hi Guys,

fished Port Stephens over 3 days this week. Tried hard for little...... A few stripes and dolphin fish. The game club only managed a few sharks and dollies. Born free fished up a seals for little.

Water going uphill off Boughton. Water got warmer to 23.6 towards all mark. Plenty of bait in the 120m mark. We stayed for any hours for zeros. In addition, we fined JB two weeks before, hooked a nice black about 150+ on 80. Pulled the hooks after 15 mins. Also got two wahoo around 12kgs.


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Hi Guys,

fished Port Stephens over 3 days this week. Tried hard for little...... A few stripes and dolphin fish. The game club only managed a few sharks and dollies. Born free fished up a seals for little.

Water going uphill off Boughton. Water got warmer to 23.6 towards all mark. Plenty of bait in the 120m mark. We stayed for any hours for zeros. In addition, we fined JB two weeks before, hooked a nice black about 150+ on 80. Pulled the hooks after 15 mins. Also got two wahoo around 12kgs.


Fished port today for zeros. Very disappointed. Water was 24.4deg calm, little wind. Couldn't find bait anywhere. I'm thinking the season over up here! But the weather tomorrow is looking outstanding, so maybe one more go!!!

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Fished port today for zeros. Very disappointed. Water was 24.4deg calm, little wind. Couldn't find bait anywhere. I'm thinking the season over up here! But the weather tomorrow is looking outstanding, so maybe one more go!!!

Cheers scratchie!!!

Hard going at the moment Scratchie!! well done for getting out in the search of...

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