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Fishing overnight on Friday


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Hey all,

I would like to invite at the moment 1 fellow fish raider on to my boat for Friday afternoon till Saturday afternoon before sun sets.

If possible could you PM me for address.

Date : 3rd April 2013

Looking at starting around the 2.00pm mark.

Finishing around the 330pm mark.

Meeting my place, will message address to interested person.

Male or female. ( Have not met a female fisho enthusiast yet ).

For the ladies, there will be 3 persons on board. If you are not comfortable with the number I have room for the fourth on board someone will be fishing on the bow :). ( or sleeping in the cabin ).

Boat size 20 foot , whittley 580 voyager.

Destination wanting to try out the West Reef at Pittwater. Then come back to settle near a spot to park for the night.

Will be the first time for me at West Reef.

If you know the area would be great :)

If not, oh well we follow my navionics on mobile lol.

I have gps and radio on board.

For the Females there is a toilet on my boat and a curtain for privacy.

There is cooking facilities not great but will do.

A kettle for coffee only have the 3 in one mix Nescafé coffee on board.

130L of water that we can boil and bottled water for drinking.

If the person could sub expenses would be great.

I will have, Pilchards, Squid, school prawns and some, but you can bring more if you want.

We will stop at Lion island for some live bait.

Bring just 1 of your favourite rods with you otherwise we run out of space with rods.

Getting stern underwater LEDs installed on Thursday :).

I have life jackets on board which you can wear if you need one.

I have all safety equipment on board that is need to travel including a first aid kit to medium trauma spec.

Please make sure your fishing license is current.

Dinner will be provided hopefully sausages and the likes with some fruit.

Breakfast will be bacon and eggs as a true breakfast should be.

Bring your wit and your good company and don't mind a tease now and then :) boys will be boys.

Hot heads will be deposited on lion island till they cool down.

Please be aware I do not condone keeping guppies on board when you catch them. Unless they are bait fish sweet if they are undersize they get the green card to be put back into the sea. ( Been with peeps that wanted to keep tadpoles ).

So I hope I covered most of it, if not please message me any questions.

PS I will be on channel 86 that night so call in fellow raiders and may we meet on the waters.

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It was a great night till the wind warnings were coming in Thick and strong. BOM said up to 50km/hr. We caught a few, 1 Mulloway throw back size, a gummie that rivaled and anchovy and was kissed and release, and bucket loads of cat fish. There was a lot of Catfish everywhere, Waters was to rough later on in the night that we could not go to West reef... ashame... Morning prospects were cut short with Gale and high winds warning. All came back safe and hope the 2 on this list that came with me enjoyed yourself. Next time I will try and plan some salads on board :). With the meats.

Till the next trip.


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