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For old times sake......


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After dabbling in fishing a few times as a kid while on rare coastal holidays (I grew up on a farm in the Riverina without ready access to any waterways) I was introduced to rock fishing in my final year of university by a mate when we shared a house at Avoca Beach while on a a practice teaching placement in Gosford. So began my lifelong love of fishing.

He and I have kept regular contact since those days in the mid 70s and shared many wonderful holidays with our respective families. These always seem to have involved fishing of some kind or another.

Today I had the chance to take him out on Botany Bay with the hope of finding some of those lizards that were so abundant a couple of weeks back. He now lives in Nowra and we get to fish down that way a bit, but never, until today, on my "home patch". Our last trip on the bay together was in his late dad's boat two days before my wedding day in January 1978. We caught some good sized tailor on lures that day.

Today we began early about and hour after high tide and threw everything we had around a number of my old faithful lizard haunts. Alas, the lizards were not playing ball and our sum total was two lizards around 40 cm and two decent sized trevally in about five hours of lure tossing. On the way back in he commented "the fishing wasn't the highlight of the day, just getting out here with you was". The bacon and egg rolls and coffee from Kurnell were a close second!

I think that is what you call mateship!!

Tight lines.


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