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Big Flathead


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Hey raiders,

i wanted to report an amazing catch which i caught back in 2009. I love to have a break from the excited kingy and gamefishing every noun and then by going down to botany bay and fishing for some stonker bream. I caught heaps of good sized bream that day fishing with 8 pound flurocarbon mono leader and good fresh pieces of chicken breast (bream love this-i find the best bait to use for bream as its tough and the bream love it). Anyway catching my bag of bream for the day one rod goes off, the fight felt like a shark/ray or something heavy, so i took it slow because of the light leader. after about a 10 minute battle a 99cm Flathead came up which weighed 5.8KG. Which was a stonker catch ive never seen a flatty this big before. As much as i wanted to return it as it was a good breeder it didnt want to swim away and tried to revive it which was very unusual for a flathead.

Tight lines Johno


Edited by Johno Team Extren
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That is a top flatty, just under the magic metre though... :/ I daresay after 10 minutes on the end of your line it was just too exhausted and gave up. In her time though she would have made thousands of babies so it isn't a complete loss. She had a good innings.

Congrats on a cracker croc.

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