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A Quick Look At A New Waterway


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Well after a stressful week of packng, unpacking, cleaning etc with the new house I decided it was time to go for a rather quick expedition to one of Naroomas many rockwalls. After picking up my new Luvias yesteday I was keen t otry it out. When I got to the rockwall I noticed that on one side itis about 2m deep and at my feet on the other side it was between 3 and 6m deep. I decided that A black shad 3" gulp minnow would fit in wel with the colour of the water and wasn't dissapointed. second cast I scored a nice little lizard of 55cm. Ac couple of casts later and another of about 60cm was landed. I decided to go in chase of a few bream further up the wall but they were just too smart for me this time, maybe tomorrow. I then came accross a svhool of Blurters ranging from 20 - approx 50cm in length. I stalked them for about 20mins but couldn't raise a strike.

with the tide now changed and the wter rising quickly I deciede to go with a 1/8oz jig and fish the fast water.

I was casting my placcie as far upstream as I could and kept winding in the slack and the trevors would just smash the Gulp every time, occasionaly coming back for second and third strikes. all in all it was a good arvo in a new location with a nice tally at the end of the session.

Tomorrow morn its off to ind theBream


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Guest bluecod

What a great way to finish off a stressful week and open up your tally on a new waterway --- way to go Mitch :1clap:

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