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Hi Raiders

Was at Burrill Lake at the weekend, had a couple of fishing sessions on the lake, out of the son in law’s boat. Having never fished there before, it was trial and error. The water was stained with the rain and underwater visibility was down to 300mm. His sounder wasn’t working so we were fishing blind. There were 4 adults flicking plastics and the kids were using bait. Only one flatty was caught and I was the lucky one. After the boat was towed around in a circle I knew it was a decent fish. When it surfaced I wondered how I was going to get it on board, we had no landing net. I was wearing gloves so I lip gripped the big girl and she came on board without any trouble. After photos she was returned, she went 900mm.


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good little spot in burril lake. fished there for years. Good flatties good whiting. Although the fishing in the last few years hasn't been like it used to. They reckon something to do with the algae or bacteria in the waters.

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