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Sunday Morning Canoe Sesh


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After a quite a few fruitless sessions of late attempting to lure my first jew, I decided it was time to catch some fish, so Pete and I headed off at dawn Sunday morning to a spot that's reliably produced fish for me over the colder months.

It was nice morning with next to no wind but it was bloody cold :frozen: There were also a lot of tiny baitfish milling around surface near the wharf where we launched to avoid getting the feet wet. We fished around boats, but it was pretty slow with just a few tentative touches from bream chucking the usual BM's. I'd tied an SX40 on my spare rod the night before to force myself to use it, as it had pretty much been just gathering dust since I bought the thing several months ago. I chucked it out the back for a troll as I went in search of the thick bait schools I'd notice earlier in the morning. After passing alongside a moored boat I swung the canoe hard so the lure ran directly below the hull, as it did I hooked up to what I was expecting to be a brean, but after a short tussle a nice EP of around 33cm's was swum into the environet. I was pretty pleased with my first EP on a hard body and with a bit more confidence in hardbodies I started casting it around the around the boats and managed a slightly larger EP of just over 35cm's. Pete started chucking HB's around too, but we didn't see any more EP's, he finally pulled a nice bream that nearly did him on a pilon.



Later in the day with the sun higher I was able to sight the thousands of tiny baitfish, they were only 1- 1 1/2 inches long semi clear, with a flash of silver when they turned on their sides…..can anyone tell me what they were? The most interesting thing was how they appeared on the sounder, they almost blacked it out despite the fact they didn't seem to be so tightly packed….it was a value able insight into interpreting the sounder reading.



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Some nice EPs there Lizard. I was out Middle Harbour on Sunday and found some huge schools of bait, almost blacked out the sounder and they were just meandering about, no sign of being harrassed unfortunately. These were longer, maybe 5 cms, hard to tell though, but there were heaps in this huge school.

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