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Fathers Day Yellowfin Tuna Epic Day!


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Best day fishing I have ever had yesterday! After months of trips chasing bluefin and yellowfin for zero, we finally boated 3 yellowfin and 3 albies, all the time and effort finally paid off! Yeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!

Tight lines everyone.






Edited by spooln
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Hi Sluggo, I just want to say thanks for sharing your co ordinates yesterday on the radio. I was at Browns deep dropping when I heard you on ch21. I quickly entered your info into my gps and 45 mins later I was at the location you shared. After trolling for half hour I was onto my first yellowfin. Weighed in at 40kg. I've been chasing these tuna for 2 years and if it wasn't for you I'd still be chasing so thankyou once again.

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Well done fellas

Fishing tommorrrow , any chance of water depth and temp , north or south?

Thanks in advance.

Hi mate, caught mine at 34°15.18'S, 151°34.38'E: not sure if they will be a bit further south than that now due to current pushing down but water temp was around 19.5. I caught mine on an xrap deep diver mackerel colour. Good luck

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Nice one sluggo.

How was the radio on that tide change. felt like every half a minute or less we heard hook ups and fish on.

They were spread out a bit too. when you called the spot we were a few miles south and found a few schools scattered around down our way.


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We caught them in around 600 fathoms S/E of the canyons. Skirts that did the damage for us were a brand of skirt called JAKS lures Australia, the tuna and albacore love them!

Hi Sluggo, I just want to say thanks for sharing your co ordinates yesterday on the radio. I was at Browns deep dropping when I heard you on ch21. I quickly entered your info into my gps and 45 mins later I was at the location you shared. After trolling for half hour I was onto my first yellowfin. Weighed in at 40kg. I've been chasing these tuna for 2 years and if it wasn't for you I'd still be chasing so thankyou once again.

I appreciate that mate. I have also been chasing them for around 3 years now. It takes alot of time, money, researching and effort to get these fish and when you troll all day every weekend for zero fish it is very disheartening.

Once we got those YFT i felt a weight had been lifted off my shoulders and all the hard work had paid off, I was so happy! I gave the co ordinates out to help other people like yourself, and to also give something back.

Good work mate can't wait to get my first. Is that a broken rod in the second photo? Those things must pull like freight trains.


Yes, my mates reel seized up half way through the fight, then about 30 seconds later his T curve Revolution snapped!!! After about 20 minutes we somehow landed a good size YFT.

A bit of luck was on our side that day. It was a day I will never forget. I have it all on go pro film also.

Cheers Sluggo

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