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08/09/13 central coast beach session


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Hi All,

Headed out with Gatts for a Sunday fishing session. We usually find ourselves at a new fishing destination which is great as we are getting a feel for the best / worst places to fish before the water warms.

As we are both central coast based we have far too many beaches to choose from however we decided to check out Putty Beach for the run out tide / afternoon fish.

To cut to the chase we found ourselves chasing salmon which is always fun. Hit one on the lure however he spat the hook when he got closer to shore (Devastated).

Gatts picked up a really nice salmon a bit later on, really good solid weight on the fish. We bled the fish and left it next to our bags buried in the sand. Turned around 5 minutes later and it was gone. No birds big enough to take it and definitely no dogs big enough either. Lots of people walking past so my guess it was one of them, Shameful act!

The photo attached is another salmon I picked up using salted pillies on a gang hook, 3 size star sinker.


Hopefully we will have more reports soon!

Edited by Belligero
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Size 3 star sinker and ganged salted pillie has always been my number 1 for sambos. I always used to bury my catch head down to bleed out but i always got suspicious when people walked past, thought I was just being paranoid but obviously some people are just %$#@! Now I usually keep my catch in my Alvey shoulder bag, as a lot of the time I fish the incoming tide and on a narrow beach you never know just how far that next wave will reach. After being swamped a few times I decided I'll only fish with what I can carry on myself while I fish. Apart from a bit of blood in the bag every now and then (I use a plastic bag inside the shoulder bag to bleed the fish out, then transfer to a clean plastic bag or simply scale and gut in the shorebreak before heading home) it has been a very productive way to fish, especially if there's nothing doing at the 1st spot you just walk on up to the next...

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Size 3 star sinker and ganged salted pillie has always been my number 1 for sambos. I always used to bury my catch head down to bleed out but i always got suspicious when people walked past, thought I was just being paranoid but obviously some people are just %$#@! Now I usually keep my catch in my Alvey shoulder bag, as a lot of the time I fish the incoming tide and on a narrow beach you never know just how far that next wave will reach. After being swamped a few times I decided I'll only fish with what I can carry on myself while I fish. Apart from a bit of blood in the bag every now and then (I use a plastic bag inside the shoulder bag to bleed the fish out, then transfer to a clean plastic bag or simply scale and gut in the shorebreak before heading home) it has been a very productive way to fish, especially if there's nothing doing at the 1st spot you just walk on up to the next...

We have run into the problem with the next wave length a few times. Was pretty quick at the entrance once, We almost ended up off the beach!

Have to keep out stuff closer to us from now on, We lost more bait to dogs then we did to the fish!

nice work there and great combo . when i get salmon i to bleed them head down , bury them and put a bucket or shoes etc on top :)


ive been smashing the whiting lately off the beach tonight we have 10x fish to fillet for tea yum yum

Nice, What bait have you been getting the whiting on?

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sambos are brilliant on light gear, very underrated fish

i get heaps of them during winter especially of terrigal and wamberal beaches

but this winter i couldnt catch any salmon, i caught more jewies off the beach than sambos

sorry to hear about the stolen fish

i find for whiting blood worms work best


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We have run into the problem with the next wave length a few times. Was pretty quick at the entrance once, We almost ended up off the beach!

Have to keep out stuff closer to us from now on, We lost more bait to dogs then we did to the fish!

Nice, What bait have you been getting the whiting on?

bait ive been using grrrrrrrrr and ive been catching whiting the last 3 monthes with them haha pm me

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Guest mike2153

Someone stole your fish lol you gotta wonder how desperatae can people get thats pretty ordinary. Good work on getting a couple but catching salmon off the beach is one of my favorite types of fishing now i love it.

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did you move up there? thought you worked in North Ryde

squirt worms are gun bait for whiting up at the entrance

Not exactly. During the week I'm in Sydney however on weekends I'm on the coast. All my fishing gear is up there and HOPEFULLY when I buy a boat it can be stored there too. Still working in North Ryde.

Have to try my luck at catching beach worms when I'm at the beach next (Hopefully this weekend)

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  • 3 weeks later...

sambos are brilliant on light gear, very underrated fish

i get heaps of them during winter especially of terrigal and wamberal beaches

but this winter i couldnt catch any salmon, i caught more jewies off the beach than sambos

sorry to hear about the stolen fish

i find for whiting blood worms work best

Wish I caught more jewies than salmon mate! I fish at Avoca and had a great winter after they opened up the lagoon. Got at least one every time I went out, usually multiple more hook ups.

What did you manage the jewies on? Are they frequent from central coast beaches and which are the best?

Might have to teach Belligero and I how to drag a few to shore.


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