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First salmon on metal lures


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Morning all.

I just wanted to share yesterday's experience with you all as it was mind blowing to see and I achieved a first to top it off.

A bit of a last min decision to head to the coast for the first time since I smashed my leg up back in June. Hastily packed my new diawa tdt 2-5 kg and a light weight beach caster and pottered down to the breakwall.

There were clouds of sheer waters flying low to the surface across the bay. We fished the run out for nada :( but were able to watch a string of humpbacks migrating through. Breaching, tail slapping, the works. We also had a dolphin cruise past as well.

Then on the turn if the tide the birds started going nuts! Gannets joined in but we couldn't see any fish with the chop. We waited for them to come into casting range only to be bipasted.

Sod that, I thought! Scurried over the boulders, with grace of a wounded walrace, and chucked a 10g slug into the wind. It only managed about 10 m but that was all it needed. Fizzing across the surface there was a good splash behind as a nice 45 cm salmon nailed it.

First fish on a new set up with a new method. Happy days.

Just a few slimed mackerel for the rest of the afternoon. But it was a cracking day with everything going on :)

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I know some folks who only fish for salmon using metal lures, and they always get good fish.

Especially in the surf where your bait get smashed up in the waves, and the metals cast easier.

Blades work at times also.... :soccer_h4h:

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Coming from WA, metals are the business off the beach and rocks as they can get great distance and are very successful.

One observation I have made when casting into schools of salmon with little or no surface action is that youll only get hits if you let

it sink right to the bottom as often they just sulk on the bottom when not really hungry and you have to get it into their eye line

to have a chance.

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I love spinning salmon and tailor on steelies, they go great and are lots of fun. I would walk the beach for a couple of K's doing just that and would be unlucky not to find at least one or two. Also love the picture of a wounded walrus clambering over rocks hehe, put quite the picture into my head. What town did you go yp just out of curiosity?


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