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nice bream yesterday


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Fished iron cove at dawn yesterday. Initially the fishing was slow in the area I had chosen to attack, tight up against the mangroves with only a couple of fish moving to my PX 45 (apart from hoards of choppers) but no takers.

Ended up deciding the cold south westerly wind that was blowing had probably pushed the fish off the shallows, so went to fish amongst the markers and moorings and scored this beauty (a PB bream for me at 36 cm to the fork...haven't been breaming for very long though).

Pretty chuffed with it...caught on a small squidgee wriggler (lava I think) on a 3g head. Great fight on the 3lb braid and 6lb fluoro. New(ish) Lox Yoshi 1-3Kg and rarenium 1000 outfit finally bent into the stamp of fish it was purchased for and performed beautifully as the fish went on some powerful runs, lovely smooth clutch and fighting curve...hopefully more to come soon as the summer is finally coming to us...just wish I didn't have to spend so much time in middle of nowhere QLD for work purposes...this is the first time I have managed to get the canoe out in about three months, that is the longest ive gone without going fishing since I was about 12!

Anyway, should be getting back into it now and with any luck get a few more of those blue nose bream under my belt...fingers crossed.

Only one other undersized bream caught...hooked squarely up the arse! lord knows how he managed that!

I do have a short video off the gopro but cant work out how to upload it.


Edited by Longfish
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Thats a nice fish mate!!

The px-45 is a hard body im assuming?

Have bought a handful of bream hb's but no luck yet :(

yes mate the px-45 is a little shrimp top water lure...I caught that fish on SP though, I actually trust SPs over hard bodies to get the bites in most circumstances, I feel they are more versatile, however I have found times when they only want to hit hard bodies...no expert however, maybe one of the more seasoned guys could lend their opinion.

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