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botany bay 22/10/13


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Hit the bay today first proper fishing trip in 6 years, my nephew had a few things to do early so it was a late start 1 pm before we had the boat in the water. We headed out from the foreshore drive ramp and only went 300 metres or so before we had fish feeding on the surface, flicking out a small chrome lure hook a tailor first cast 32cm not bad we spent the next hour chasing them but they were very shy and only managed 4 keepers and a couple of throw backs, Deciding that enough is enough we headed outside to see if we could find some flatties we found some tidlers and the jackets found us' tried a some moves but it seemed the jacket were following us around so we figured that we would go for a troll no luck there we couldn't see any birds working, after an hour or so we gave on that and came back in side and dropped the pick at mol point, things were pretty quiet there but we weren't in the mood to go any where else but we did pick up a bluter of 35cm on peeled prawn plus 2 more tailor of 35cm on lures so not to bad all up. The bay was as flat as and outside was pretty good also it was overcast all day with the odd shower water temp was 20 degrees in and out.


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Well done Chris looks like you still got IT

Thanks Garry’ got to admit I’m more than a little rusty and I’m not use to being in a boat for that long and I’m aching like a bitch, I thing I’m carrying a little too much forward ballast. :whistling:

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