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Eden: Nov 2-5


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Hi Raiders,

Having never been to Eden, I'm excited about an upcoming trip with the family and a few old mates + their families. We have a charter booked for the Sunday to do some bottom bashing but was wondering if anyone had any tips for the best landbased spots for families in the Eden area.

Also I'm told there are a few prawns around the inlets, does anyone know if they are around at the moment and the best place to find them?

I'll be sure to post a detailed report when I get back next week.



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Hey Linc.

As far as family friendly spots go, you cant go wrong with the main warf. If the waters warm, burley up and watch the slimies come flocking in. That will keep the kids happy :) Then wack a one out under a float to see if anything else is out there,

There were a few squid about, under the lights as well.

Last time I was there I was on crutches so I havent had a chance to check out the rocks yet. But it all looks very fishy. :)

I hope that helps.

Good luck and I look forward to hearing about it

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As far as family friendly spots go, you cant go wrong with the main warf. If the waters warm, burley up and watch the slimies come flocking in. That will keep the kids happy :) Then wack a one out under a float to see if anything else is out there,

Thanks Mate, Is that the jetty sticking out from the north of Weecoon cove (cattle bay?)

I've only got google maps to go by as I've got no idea about the area.



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