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Iron Cove today


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Headed out to Iron cove again today following the success of my last trip out during my last roster off. Caught several undersize fish from the flats and moorings before sighting this fish sipping something off the surface out in 'no-mans-land' (which turned out to be a nice weedy rocky bottomed area of about 1/1.5m, perfect for some attention with the hard bodies next time I head out). Anyway I had just taken off my little PX45 topper as I hadn't had a follow on the surface for a while and I had tied on a squidgy wriggler 65mm on a 1/32 oz and was heading out to fish the hulls when I sighted it, flicked the wriggler to the rings it had just created hoping it would hit it on the drop and that it did! nailed it before I had even reconnected with the lure. Nice fight, not a monster but a nice fish at about 32 to the fork (estimated).

Not much landed after that other than the inevitable choppers, and a whiting of the top which was nice.


Edited by Longfish
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