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Hydraulic steering


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Hello fellow Raiders. I have not posted for quite some time due to work restraints, but here I am. Some of you may recall some 5 years ago when I converted my tiller steer 4.6m tinny to a centre console. At the time I chose to install Seastar Hydraulic steering which was the best thing I ever did, and all was fine and dandy until about a year ago. During very hot days, the steering would become progresively harder to turn. I couldn't figure out what was wrong - re bled the system, checked the lines for kinks etc, but still no joy. When the boat was home under cover and had cooled down everything was back to normal steering. It wasn't until recently , after another day out, and not that hot, that in frustration I decided to Google " why does my hydraulic steering get stiff when hot" and I came across a chat forum ( USA ) where some guys had the same experience. One of these guys complained to Seastar direct and they sent him a replacement unit, free of charge. So I thought, lets give this a go. I emailed Seastar ( Canada) and explained my problem and asked what I should do . The reply came back the next day asking how old the unit was, any serial number etc. I replied that I had purchased the unit in May 2008 and sent them pics. Next day, to cut a long story short, Seastar informed that they would replace the unit at NO COST TO ME. One week later it was on my doorstep, invoice price of $487 Canadian, and no charge to customer. What about that for back up service. The unit was out of warranty by 4 1/2 years. Tell me how many companies stand by their products like that. They will have me as a customer for life.

Thought I would pass on a good story.

Cheers, Tuffy.

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