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exhausted day at Iron Cove


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Hello raider.

This is my second report and its really sad to go home with empty hand :wacko:,I take my girlfiend for a second trip at low tide 1:00 pm and fish off the jetty at Birkenhead wharf next to Iron Cover brigde. I decide to step out of my comfort zone, bait fishing. I try my brand new HB lure with set of 3 , which is picked up in BCF, after 3 hours flick i lose 2 of my HB :1badmood: .I leave the wharf with a broken heart :1crybaby: , i go to other side at Bridgewater park and cast some bait out. I try skinny squid strip with 1cm width and about 5 cm long but i got nothing with bag side.

I leave the place at 5:00 and keep thinking what have i do wrong ? or just be there at wrong time/tide.

Hope anyone would give me a tip for a fish, i fish for bream/flaties/whiting and mostly try to get my gf into fishing :unsure:.


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Hiya angryfish - If you are using lures you need to match the lure to the type of terrain your fishing ie " shallow diving lure are generally better suited to shallow water"

If you really need to fish from a jetty perhaps try a blade or vibe type lure to give you some more casting distance and to get you down through the water column. Standing on a jetty repeatedly casting the same hardbodied lure would be very frustrating (if thats in fact what you are doing).

Try walking around Iron Cove as the access is very good and cast out across the sand flats and off the rock walls - would probably look for a couple of hours before high tide to fish, but use low tide to have a good look around.

Cheers Blood Knot

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I try to not fish lures off any wharf, as most wharves on the parra river have been over fishe, just look at google maps and explore some spots that look they are worth a flick around. Start by using softplastics either squidgy bloodworm wriggler, zman grubz in bloodworm colour too or also Gulp grubs in watermelon or pumkin seed are awesome try with a 1/10th or 1/8th jig head and fish it slowly with some long pauses, should get into some flathead hopefully. Try the shorelines along iron cove.


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Ditto to the above.

Also don't bother fishing in gentlemans hours.

The middle of the day is usually the most unproductive time &

you left just as things might have started to get interesting.

I grew up fishing that wharf. It does produce good fish, but you

have to fish it at the right time with the right techniques.



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I try to not fish lures off any wharf, as most wharves on the parra river have been over fishe, just look at google maps and explore some spots that look they are worth a flick around. Start by using softplastics either squidgy bloodworm wriggler, zman grubz in bloodworm colour too or also Gulp grubs in watermelon or pumkin seed are awesome try with a 1/10th or 1/8th jig head and fish it slowly with some long pauses, should get into some flathead hopefully. Try the shorelines along iron cove.


yeah i will try Rodd Park with SP next time. thank you for your tip.

Ditto to the above.

Also don't bother fishing in gentlemans hours.

The middle of the day is usually the most unproductive time &

you left just as things might have started to get interesting.

I grew up fishing that wharf. It does produce good fish, but you

have to fish it at the right time with the right techniques.



yeh i plan night trip next time. thank you Grant.

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