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middle harbour fri night


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gday raiders, I fished middle harbour on fri night with my son in law for some moderate success. we met at tunks park at around 8.30pm with the plan of drifting some of the shorelines for bream casting unweighted prawns up against the rock, but after about 3 hours we hadn't faired very well with only 2 legal bream in the esky , however I did manage a very nice trevally as a surprise catch which went like the clappers on light line and was great fun for a couple of minutes. Around 11.30 we decided to anchor up and fish for a jew. We were there for about 10 mins and a small jew around 55cm smacked one of my baits and although things looked promising we had to wait until just on daylight before the next jew came in and I managed 2 more just as the sun was coming up, the largest going 65cm. all three were returned to fight another day. I did get a good hit during the middle of the night on a mullet fillet but the point of the hook unfortunately was buried in the skin and did not penetrate.




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