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Bait fish


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Hey guys, been trying to catch some little baitfish using a baitfish trap. I keep catching baby yellowfin bream obviosly released, and all these wierd fish that look like pufferfish, dont puff up though. Also fish that look like bream but all fins are grey and they dont have the typical bream spikes.

Does anyone know what these fish might be? I know pics would help, but didnt take phone on sunday when collecting, and released them all.

Bait was bread and chicken pellets, in river near fish markets


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Its a 2 ring trap from Kmart, basic rectangular box with 2 inset rings on the sides, bait bag in the middle. Yea after yakkas, but yet to see a fish with a yellow tail in there...
Yea think they are toadfish, ugly looking things, look absolutely no good for bait anyway

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You might be to far into the river system for yakkas. They prefer bluer water. Just a thought. Grab a tiny hook and some bread, and try that. Mulch up the bread in a bucket of water and throw it out in small scoops. Then throw out a peice of bread on the hook with a small sinker.

I think those traps are targeted more at poddy mullet


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