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Rock fishing madness


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Went for a drive out to the whale watching station at Kurnell this morning and saw what can only be described as a suicidal fisho fishing from a low rock platform that is cut off from the shore by waves washing across it.

The pic was taken on my phone and being a long way away it is not all that clear but if you click on the pic and expand it to full screen you can just see the rock platform with the Fisho at the end of it and the wash between that rock and the shore.

dero wonder people drown when fishing under these conditions.

Sheer blo#$@ madness!



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Guest hawkesbass

I have fished this spot a few times.

You need too pick the conditions well too be able too fish it and it is a two or more person ledge.

Too get on the ledge there is a water crossing through a channel behind the higher ledge you fish off you need too time your crossing between surges.

The ledge itself is quite safe or as safe as conditions allow it ia also a twenty minute walk in.

Not recomende for the inexperienced rock fisher.

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I have fished this spot a few times.

You need too pick the conditions well too be able too fish it and it is a two or more person ledge.

Too get on the ledge there is a water crossing through a channel behind the higher ledge you fish off you need too time your crossing between surges.

The ledge itself is quite safe or as safe as conditions allow it is also a twenty minute walk in.

Not recommended for the inexperienced rock fisher.

The ledge itself is quite safe?

It only looked to be max 1.5 meter above the water and that was at mid tide. Any surges would surely put water over the ledge. I think fishing that spot would need a wet suit and a very fit fisherman who has experience of being swept of the rocks and getting back in without panicking. (As I have in my younger reckless days)

I do hope that no Raiders will even think about fishing this spot. There are numerous rock fishing possies that are just as "fishie" and nowhere near as dangerous



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Guest hawkesbass

The ledge itself is quite safe?

It only looked to be max 1.5 meter above the water and that was at mid tide. Any surges would surely put water over the ledge. I think fishing that spot would need a wet suit and a very fit fisherman who has experience of being swept of the rocks and getting back in without panicking. (As I have in my younger reckless days)

I do hope that no Raiders will even think about fishing this spot. There are numerous rock fishing possies that are just as "fishie" and nowhere near as dangerous



When you know what tide wind and swells too fish it in it is a safe ledge and produces good fish at times.

When conditions suit waves come over ankle deep and it is a grippy ledge when wearing appropite footwear.

As with all rock ledges there are safe times too fish them and the wrong times too fish them.

Up untill this year a ledge i visited often has claimed upwards of 150 lives but not once have i felt in danger there as i picked the right times and conditions too fish this ledge.

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Hi Hawkes

I won't argue that experienced people can do things that others would do well to leave alone.

I was merely trying to point out that the spot is dangerous, the fact that highly experienced fishos like your self do fish it does not make it any less dangerous.

I just hope that some young fisho who fancies himself but does not have your knowledge of this spot goes out on his own (as the chap in the pic did) and ends up in trouble or even worse is drowned.

Merry Christmas



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Thank you Paikea for reinforcing the dangers of rock fishing especially for the young and inexperienced fishos.

The fact that the guy in the photo was fishing a mid rising tide was scary enough.

Hopefully this thread will make fishos think twice and assess the risks before selecting a rock fishing spot.

Please stay safe everyone.


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To my knowledge and that of the late great Ron Calcutt no man has lost his life on that ledge. Really the only way to not get people going there is too not mention or show the ledge. And yes the ledge is for those who have been shown it by the old hands! Fortunately I was one of those to be passed on the knowledge of how and when to fish that ledge and that's a calm day you have there!!!

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Yes there is a name for it but out of respect for the locals I won't disclose and if you fish that ledge then you know when not to fish it that's a very calm day out there the original poster and no disrespect has made an observation from afar it's when your there tou appreciate the nature of it I have seen the waves break halfway up the cliff there in a big ne swell like any ledge on our coast pick your day know its nature on the tide and swell and have a keen eye and if in doubt go elsewhere or go home!

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This post appears to have stirred up quite opposing points of view. One stating that if you know what you are doing and know the spot that you are going to fish then it is perfectly safe to do so.

The other view is to always play it safe, err on the side of caution wear a PFD and never fish alone.

So who is right?

When I was a lot younger I spent many a day fishing ledges that were decidedly hairy and I copped water up to my knees and beyond from rogue waves/swells that came out of nowhere. Fortunately I was very fit, a strong swimmer and watched the waves coming so I was prepared for the event. I also did a lot of spearfishing and was very experienced in coming back in using the waves/swell to sweep me back onto a rock platform/ledge. There is a real technique for that but unless you have practised it you are likely to find yourself bashed onto or over the rock platform and get cut to pieces in the process.

Would I do it again? Given the same age and fitness I probably would. Even as recent as three years ago I fished a rock platform at Dolphin Point, on my own and no PFD. Looking back that was a bit silly.

On balance I think that both points of view have merit when talking about experienced fishos however I remain convinced that newcomers to the sport, particularly ones from other countries that do not have our conditions should always wear a PFD, go with one or more mates and always keep an eye on the water.

Experience can only be gained in time, you cannot get it out of a book. But even when you have experience you can get caught so always be aware and don’t take unnecessary risks.

Be Safe



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Mate it's all about knowing and watching wave patterns the formation of the ledge and reefs and how that affects a swell there's ledges in a nor Easter that you will not even get your feet wet yet get a southerly and they become unfishable I am the first to admit there's a lot of idiots who don't know a ledge and they are the ones who get caught out if conditions don't permit don't go there and yes a pfd and the development of them to the point they are not cumbersome to wear makes them a good idea to wear but saying that if you hit your head and get knocked cold floating save down it ain't going to save you and for some of our friends out there give a false sense of security my personal creed if in doubt don't go there!

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