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Iron cove chrissy eve crocs


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G'day Raiders!

Hope you're all having a wonderful chrissy day!

Currently enjoying a post-ham food coma so figured I'd put up yesterday's exploits.

Got off work early in hunters hill as I managed to fall down the gap between two houses and knacker my shoulder yet again...so I did what anyone would...went to Iron Cove for a quick flick before Christmas eve foodnbooze fest began! (Thank god I can cast with both hands or the whole day would be ruined :P)

Hadn't fished the cove before (rodd park) so walked around checking the mangroves/sand/jetty as the tide was a bit lower for structure. Found a few nice weed beds / theres some great sand flats there so figured I'd go for the standard flatty/bream sp sesh. Ended up heading over to the aquatic club wharf to target bream against the pylons (still yet to crack a bream on sps finnicky little buggers), ended up with the first little flatty below, gill raked me and swam off. Damn those things sting! Using my little outfit 1-3 stick with 1000 sienna 6 and 6 leader and braid lb. Strike another one up for the good old zmann grubz in motor oil.

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Then had some friendly japanese tourists come up to me, brand new beach rods and 7000 reel combo's in hand and ask me how to fish. Happily helped them set up and taught them how to cast. Hope they got something though the outfits were wayyyyy over the top for the situation. My dreams of stalking bream on the wharf were shattered however as they set up right on it jumping around. But hey they looked like they were having a great time so good luck to em!

Tide had just peaked and started its run out so headed over the the flats for a flatty flick. 1/16 or 1/12 headlockz with another zmann managed to wrangle the second flatty which went 40cm and a pb on plastics, so much fun on light gear / getting the hang of em on SPs! Gill raked me some more and swam home. Packed up after that and headed home for a lovely bbq with the fam. Great chrissy eve minus the shoulder and knee injuries!

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Have a great festive season guys, stay safe and enjoy!



Sent from my GT-I9100T using Tapatalk

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