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Spit Bridge


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I put my kayak in at the Spit today, starting around midday.

Attached myself to some empty bouys around Clontarf, then closer to the Spit Bridge.

Absolutely zero, not even a nibble. I was trying a few different things - I had a whole pillie on gang hooks with no weight letting it roll around, even the pickers didn't take a sniff. I also fished a VX40 blade to no avail, and had a 3inch nuclear chicken jerk shad on a different rod, again not a touch.

Headed under the bridge and into the boats behind the Spit marina - middle harbour side. Again nothing.

Then the wind blew, boy was that a paddle back!

So, all around pretty disappointing. Thinking about trying again tomorrow - any feedback would be welcomed!

I've got a fair amount of land based and boat experience, new to kayaking. It can't be that different can it? :)

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Kayak fishing is slightly different especially when throwing SP's. Learning your drift and casting to the right areas. It does take some getting use to but sometimes that's just fishing!

Better luck next time!

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Thanks Scratchie.

Any tips for SPs from a kayak?

Finding drop offs, positioning your yak adjacent to them and retrieving back towards you. Allowing your sp to work the right areas or strike zone. The same as when you fish with bait but working the lure. And trying matching the lure to any bait fish that are about. Sometimes it's more about positioning your yak so you can have more spread out casts in the right area!

Hope that helps!

Cheers scratchie!!!

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It is a big help to install a full hull length anchor trolly, this enables you to:

1. Anchor wherever you want, and

2. Position the kayak better as you can alter the point that the anchor attaches to the hull by pulling the trolly in or out, this enables you to point the kayak in far more practical directions when trying to work a feature with lures...otherwise you can spend an awfull lot of time trying to twist around uncomfortably...and repositioning the kayak to face the right direction.

p.s. Last time I was at spit bridge in the yak I also scored an almighty blank.

Edited by Longfish
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Thanks Longfish!

Yeah I bought an anchor trolly kit before christmas, so yesterday was the first trial out. Great piece of kit hey, I don't have an anchor or sea anchor yet, but just made myself a little buoy rope with a big caribina so I can attache my self to empty markers. I'm looking at getting a sea anchor so I can slow drift.

Was going to head out today but it looks a bit showery. I'm keen, but not keen enough for a soaking!

I think next step is a cheap sounder so i can see where drop-offs are.

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I'd be looking into getting yourself a little anchor, if you get stuck in strong wind or current and there's nowhere to tie up to you could end up a long way from your launch spot in no time and yak anchors don't cost much.

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Thanks Longfish!

Yeah I bought an anchor trolly kit before christmas, so yesterday was the first trial out. Great piece of kit hey, I don't have an anchor or sea anchor yet, but just made myself a little buoy rope with a big caribina so I can attache my self to empty markers. I'm looking at getting a sea anchor so I can slow drift.

Was going to head out today but it looks a bit showery. I'm keen, but not keen enough for a soaking!

I think next step is a cheap sounder so i can see where drop-offs are.

Hey mate, as Linc said I would go with a proper yak anchor...or at least a heavy length of drag chain if you want to slowly drift (if its legal...don't know).

The problem with sea anchors in tidal areas is that if the wind is less strong than the tide or in the opposite direction to the tide the sea anchor becomes next to useless as it won't 'fill' and provide drag...somebody with more experience using sea anchors (aka drogues) may be able to clarify this as I have never bought one for tidal fishing for the stated reasons.

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