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prawn 76

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Was out Saturday fishing the artificial reef off South Head looking for Kingies no luck but got sick of catching 50 cm Dollies left them biting.

Have never seen Dolphin Fish that closed to shore before.

Edited by Hill Billy
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Yeah there are everywhere, we have putting the lures in as soon we leave Sydney Heads and have hooked up as close as half a mile out.

We got a 15lb fish and about 5 around 6lb in last the 2 weeks and stacks of smaller ones.

We found the bigger dollies are not right on the fads but up to 1 mile or more around the fads. The smaller fish are sitting right under the fads and there are heaps of them.


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So are we, temps, weather and recent reports look very promising! Will be on 21 callsign dirty Nelly.



Hope you took the video camera with you fellas :sun:

We didn't make it out, we were determined but it was way too rough when we got to the heads, would have been too uncomfortable.

So we just fished the harbour around manly for a couple of hours, anchored up near the Dunny Rolls as I call them.

Got 2 flathead, 3lb and 10lb, 2 trevally around 3lb and few undersized reds and flounder. Let the big flattie go, I have some pics will post them up tomorrow.

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Sure was let down with the weather today, forecast was flat but was lumpy and ugly. Got a few small dollies near the gap, do they normally come in that close??? Unlimited slimies around the area too. Has to be a black or two in there.

Edited by tasksta
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Shanemills, yes it was as insane as it looked. They were trailing behind on the first float a good 50m, school 5m wide and continued to last float which was under. Never seen a school like it before. All uniform in size about 40cm. There were hundreds of them. They were all lit up under the deck lights. All fish were swimming into the current. When we pulled the last float they all swum to the boat and hung around, awesome sight.

Taskta yes to your question.

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