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Maroubra Beach - North End Rocks

fishing steez

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First time poster long time reader. Last night at around 6pm I decided to head down to Maroubra for a fish. The swell was fairly small and I thought the rocks at the northern end of beach looked nice as the swell was coming from the North East aorund the corner as was the wind. I was running two rods, both loaded with squid. One was rigged with a 2 snell hook and a running star sinker the other with a running ball sinker and a single hook. First cast on the double snell rig I hook up, not much of a fight later reaveals a under sized snapper of about 29cm, so back to fight another day it goes. On the single hook I was getting small bites but no hook ups. After rebaiting several times the snell hook rig goes off again, this time a much more substatial fight. After several small runs I pull it to the surface only to be disapointed with a small stingray. Back it goes. I rebait and throw it back out and continue to work my single hook rod only to be picked to bits by smaller fish every time. 30 mins pass and I was rebaiting the single hook rig when boom my double snell setup is smash by somthing much larger. I grabbed the rod only to be busted off imediately on the rocks, I was to slow and what ever it was, was too clever and went striaght for rocks. This only made me more amped and determined so several baits again went out over and over. Meanwhile on my single hook rod I am getting more substantial bites and I mangage to hook into a fish which has a decent fight in it. After eventually landing the fish it reaveals a nice 39cm Silver Trevally. I continue fishing for another 30 mins but the fish go off the bite and everything shuts down. So ended a pretty fun and interesting night in Maroubra. Hopefully I can get back out there soon and get that one that got away. Cheers.

Edited by fishing steez
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Do the rocks still have all the algae on them on the northern end? Last time i was there 2 months ago, I caught a decent pike (I was told) but as I was pulling it out I slipped on the green stuff and fell pretty hard on my ass. Have been avoiding that spot since :)

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Lots and lots of reef sharks and skates of all kind over there mate ! Add to that a fairly dirty bottom and losing rigs on slow heavy weight fish will happen a lot believe me :) Some nites you'll lose 10+ rigs on this kind of fish.

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