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That is my dream fish and my next target, caught about 15 jew fishes for the last 10 years, the largest one go 73 cm about 5 kilo but never caught that big, great job and keep going as i can imagine the happy face you having at that moment,cheers.

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Thanks everyone it was pretty much the best feeling ever. I have spent a lot of time on the sand learning from every failed attempt! Fingers crossed this bloody wind dies down and I can get some fresh and live bait for tomorrow nights session off the beach

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Congrats BTW on 1st Jew catch - i remembered mine around the 80cm mark on frozen prawns as a bycatch to whiting/breams/flathead. And unfortunately still need to beat that so know the feeling. However can someone tell me how to much bait to 'slab' on for jew bait.

Is it a gang hook setup? if so how much bait? Is it a long thin strip? say 3cm by 15cm? similar to a pillie? or is it bigger than that with 2 double hooks? Is it a running sinker or a patternoster? (hmm confused are they the same?)

Any tips is appreciated. Still a beginner when it comes to the beach.


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