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Jewfish Question


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I was just wondering as how you would land a large Jewfish. (Thinking ahead for that special moment).

What is your method for both capture and if you intend to release

Gaff and where do you try and position your gaff shot or just go for it. (Because of there large scales) Do you gaff upward for the belly or over the top for the shoulder or go for the gills or mouth?

Net, swim them head first or come up behind

Lift them on board, eg hand in mouth and under their belly etc.

I am asking because I have never had one big enough and the once I had a shot at gaffing the gaff did not penertrate, so I assumed I had hit its scales. Yes the gaff was sharp.


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I was just wondering as how you would land a large Jewfish. (Thinking ahead for that special moment).

What is your method for both capture and if you intend to release

Gaff and where do you try and position your gaff shot or just go for it. (Because of there large scales) Do you gaff upward for the belly or over the top for the shoulder or go for the gills or mouth?

Net, swim them head first or come up behind

Lift them on board, eg hand in mouth and under their belly etc.

I am asking because I have never had one big enough and the once I had a shot at gaffing the gaff did not penertrate, so I assumed I had hit its scales. Yes the gaff was sharp.



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In reply to martin.

It,s obvious that you haven,t landed a big jewie before,But let me tell you something do not attempt to put your hand in the mouth of a thrashing jew they have big sharp teeth ,and will use them. Second if you don,t know where to put your hand in thier gill ,Iv,e seen guy,s hands cut down to the bone. Gaffing a big jew is fine out of a boat, you will find it will come to you with experience. Drive the gaff under the head and hard. As to releasing big jew , They usually fight themselves out to a standstill. Better to eat him. Ok with smaller ones that are still green ,Just make sure he can swim ok.

Gotta go now, Nex time i,ll give the rundown on landing one on a beach. and how to fish for them. I usually fish the beach three to four nights a week.`And i catch my share.


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Good point Lawrie. I kind of take it for granted that gilling a jewie isn't that hard... I forgot to point out the gill-rakers - thanks for that.

Once you learn to gill a jewie you'd never go back to gaffing - but that's for beach and boat fishing in my opinion. Rock fishing is a different story, you can't really get close enough to them to do it safely.

Edited by Wayne_D
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Any large fish should be gaffed where the best holding ability is and also be able to stop it swimming.

In the shoulder is the best place and use a gaff with a gape just under half the fishes width ideally.

only time you would ever lip or jaw gafdf a jew is if you want to release it after capture.

A good 4" gaff usually covers most jews but its always good to have a spare as you sometimes could do with 2 gaffs.


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