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Clarence Abt


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I fished the Clarence ABT last weekend and after a disapointing prefish I didn't hold great hopes for the weekend.

On the Friday we coverd a lot of water trying to find fish. We went up as far as Sportsmans creek in search of the elusive bream. We found a couple of fish here and there but nowhere near enough to formulate a plan.

Saturday I had Joanne on board and it was her first ever comp. We spent most of the day deep jigging around the mouth of the river in a howling wind for very little result. A few undersize fish here and there but nothing to take back to the weigh in. Towards the end of the session Joanne managed 1 legal fish to take back and I ended up with a big fat 0. Things could only get better on Sunday :1naughty: ..... you would think.

Sunday saw me teamed up with Neil who had a bit of experience fishing larger river as he was from Port. Again we treid the mouth as we knew the fish were there but we just had to tempt them with the right lure. By the time we left we had caught a couple of undersized fish and I got a bloodly eagle ray that I thought was a jew after its first run.

We wanted to fish middle wall on the first of the run out in the hope that would produce a few fish. On about the 3rd drift Neil managed a resonable fish of about 27cm and it was all quiet for the rest of the day.

With about half hour to go before the end of the session I suggested that that we try the short wall on the other side of the river and there was a nice eddy forming on the inside of the wall. First cast Neil is on to a legal fish and I drop a couple :1badmood: but the clock was fast approaching 2pm. On my last cast I dropped another fish and that was it........ My first ever pair of Krispy Kremes :1prop: and out fished my my non boaters on both days.

Thanks Joanne and Neil for a great couple of days I just wish we had of found a few more fish.

On the up side we went up river to Copmanhurst (above Grafton) on Monday in search of bass. The fishing was slow but I did manage a new PB of 53cm.


Not a great result but sure beats working :thumbup:

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That is a cracker Jethro!!

Shame about the Clarence though mate. At least you were in there trying and as the saying goes "whatever doesn't kill me only makes me stronger". You will be a better angler for the experience.

So tell us more about the PB bass mate. What did you get it on, circumstances, etc??



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Thanks guys. The bream fishing was tough well for me any way. There were some good bags that came in just not for me. Fishing big rivers is something that I haven't done a lot of but learnt heaps over the weekend, especially about fishing deep fast water.

Wacko had a similar day to me on Saturday then came in with a 4.5kg bag on Sunday including the Big Bream of 1.78kg :1yikes: and finished 4th. We covered a lot of water on Friday during the prefish but just couldn't find them. I think next year I will try and fish a few days before the prefish ban.

The bass was caught on a red and black spinnerbait with 4lb Fireline and 8lb leader. I fished the lure deep inbetween some boulders. To say I was stoked would be a HUGE understatement. I recon they could of heard me back in Grafton. Almost made up for the lack of bream :1clap:

She was in great condition, especially for this time of year... Anyone wat to have aguess at a weight??? I have really got to get a set of scales :1prop: We got a couple of smaller fish as well but it was still pretty quiet. Looking forward to a few days up there in January

LW - Not sure about Forster at this stage. I have been doing it real tough on the bream front lately. When is it on??

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LW - Not sure about Forster at this stage. I have been doing it real tough on the bream front lately. When is it on??

It's on the WE of the 17/18 September.

Don't be to worried about the small bag, your time will come. Every hour you put in, is an hour closer a very good bag.


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Pedro - It was a pretty good field. About 73 boats from memory.

Slider - I think your right. Time to update the avatar :1clap:

LW - I dont think I have anything on that weekend. I will try and get up there for a prefish in the next couple of weeks and see how I go. I will decide after that :1naughty:

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Hi Jethro,

Ok, that sounds good. I might be after some advice if you go up for a pre-fish. I have only been up there a few times in my teenage years to get on the :beersmile:. I have never fished the area at all. I am going to stay at the caravan park this time, which will allow me to have a few :beersmile: and not have to rush around all weekend.


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Your right Rick... I was wrapped when she hit the net.... I would much rather catch bass than bream anyway......... (just trying to convince myself :1prop: )

Wacko - If I could catch 5 bream that weighed as much as that 1 fish during a comp I would be a very happy man.

LW - If I get up there for a prefish I will definately let you know how we go

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