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Sliding snell vs fixed snell


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Hi guys,

A work mate and I had a chat last night about snelled knots.

He was saying that when he tied his sliding snell it would slide down his main line causing his bait to bunch up.

I told him to try adding more wraps keeping them nice and tight and if he wanted to use the fixed snell to set his hook distance an inch or so longer than his longest bait.

Thoughts on hook position for different baits would help also.

I normally pin squid just near the top of the head and one through the main body.

Fish baits through either the nose/eyes and one just behind the dorsal.

The first knot I learnt was the snell as a kid fishing for estuary species,I think it, s a very easy knot to tie and has never let me down when tied properly.

Does anyone still use the snell when fishing a single hook?

Every one seems to use the uni or locked half blood knot.

Who favours the sliding snell or the fixed and why?


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I was taught in my youth to snell Spade end hooks, which at the time were used for Black fishing. To this day many years on I still snell tie all my hooks, some sliding and some fixed to suit the occasion. Only tie them in Mono and don't get knot failures. The only time I do not snell is when bottom bashing for flatty’s, where I use a dropper loop and the hook is looped on. If I get a hook bitten off there is usually enough of the loop left to snell on another hook without replacing the whole rig.


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i tie my slider hook by using a short piece of fluro or red tube over the line that goes through the eye of the hook, then I use a separate piece of line to tie a locked half blood knot around the tube and the shank of the hook with 10-12 wraps. Then the end hook is a locked half blood knot. This gives you the freedom to slide the snelled hook to whatever position you like and you have the strength of the blood knot at the bottom if anything does slip on the slider.

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I use fixed Snell knots on almost all my leaders. I normally pre rig all my leaders and have about 20 made up in different sizes for different bait before fishing, labelled with specs in zip lock bags. When I put bub to bed I tie a few for something to do, so I have quite a stockpile. Haha. Any light leaders I use a uni.

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I've given up tieing 2 and 3 hook snelled rigs on 60 or 80lb leader. I just buy the ready made ones from Gamakatsu or Mustard much easier and cheaper.

I still use a sliding snell for live baiting squid with the bottom hook through the bottom of the cone and the top one pinned right at the top of the cone.

Your right with your mates problem of the bait bunching up, he's not tieing the sliding snell tight enough

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