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Sydney harbour bream, reds and unknown crab


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Got out early this morning trying to catch squid, managed 3 in an hour so decided to head to fishing spot.

All 3 squid were taken by bream and a red. Not what I was targeting but not complaining. Ended up with a few more bream largest going 39cm and largest red going 41cm.

I caught 2 of these crabs. Never seen one before and have been fishing here of or over 30 years . Can anyone identify these and if it was eatable?

They look like a cross between a mud and blue swimmer.



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Great bag.

I hope I am wrong but it could be asian paddle crab.

They have 6 distinct spikes on each side at the front of the shell.

Check it out online DPI are very interested, its an invasive species spreading thru Australia.

If it is, you should report it.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice feed there. Did you eat the crab? We get these weird crabs on the shelf, there colours are strange. Black, purple, red orange. The weird thing is when u cook them they dont change colour! So its was hit and miss at the start but we cook em downpat now. They are the best crabs ive eaten.

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