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Sydney Jew 6/3/14


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Couple of weeks ago decided to hit up beach, while collecting bait a massive storm front was approaching and my hopes of fishing were sinking. The storm just rolled over with no rain or wind and the plan was go ahead. We got to the beach just before sunset and looked as if this storm front never existed. A decent gutter running diagonal offshore was spotted on the dead low tied and we set up for the night. Straight into it we got a few aussie salmon in first half an hour then shortly after a live yakka got smashed in the last light of the day. Plenty of beach goers still around and watched the fight (there goes my spot). After 20 mins or so my buddy tackled a 126cm fish and was pretty stocked. The fish was kept and enjoyed by many. I released a larger fish earlier in the year and plan to keep releasing them in the future. Amazing fish.


Edited by ashisnothereman
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