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Spit Bridge - Wed night


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Decided I could deal with sleep another time and headed out last night to try around the high tide at spit bridge. Started at the reserve side around 10pm for no hits and around midnight tried around the bridge at first on the east side until the west side was freed up.

Water was constantly being busted by surface action as the tide started running out. The main channel where the bridge lifts was nearly boiling and did so up until around 3am but I couldn't cast to there with my setup.

Was sending out pillie chunks hoping for a bream but then got a large hit and bitten off. Rerigged with a wire trace and pretty quickly took an undersize tailor.

A friendly guy chasing some squid have me one to try live but had no takers. It got snagged but seemed to do so very weirdly, could have sworn I had a small run before it got stuck.

The constant activity kept me hopeful I could get a hit and eventually took a just legal tailor and another undersize. Fun, but with the way the water was being torn up I was hoping for more.

Packed it in around 3:20am. Happy to have a take home for once but wishing I could have got amongst whatever was stirring them up on the opposite bank!

On the cool side, I did get to see bioluminescence for the first time, plus a lot of squid activity. One of those peaceful things about a quiet night of fishing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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