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Botany Bay - 30/03/14


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Hi All,

I took the boat out on Botany Bay again last Sunday but didn’t get to write up about it due to other commitments until now, so apologies for the delay.

Myself and three other friends had planned to launch from the foreshore ramp around 8.30am so got there about 8.15am only to be told the car park was full so to turn around! We asked if we could launch the boat there and park the cars on the nearby park but apparently they won’t allow that. So, after some thinking we decided to head to Kurnel ramp. I had seen the new ramp on my previous visit of the bay and thought it looked good. After about 40mins later we got there driving past about a million cyclists to be surprised by a very nice ramp and car park facilities. If only there were toilets and fish cleaning facilities the place would be even more awesome.

Anyway we headed off to the channel along the water pipeline not too far away from the ramp where I had some success on my last visit. We baited up with prawns and started drifting. About 5mins later we started getting some interests with AD hooking up the first one for the day, a nice size flounder. Going back to the mark and drifting again AD was onto another one but this time an under size bream. Nevertheless we were all happy to be catching fish although bit annoyed that the newbie on his only second fishing outing was getting fish! Few more drifts later and AD was in action again and this time another flounder even bigger than the last. Things went bit quite after a while so I decided to do some drifting and some soft plastics near weed beds around Towra. We drifted around there for about an hour without any luck although there were plenty of nibbles on our bait.



AD had to leave around midday so we dropped him back at the ramp and decided to try other side of the bay so we headed off to Molineaux point area. We anchored just outside the channel and dropped couple of lines and started chopping up some pillies four burling but even before the first burley was tossed over Dal’s reel started peeling line. With a big bend in is heavy rod and peeling drag I was hoping it was a kingy. After about a minute of tussling the fish pulled the hook. Disappointed we started burling and kept on trying for about 40mins. We kept on getting snagged and losing our hooks and sinkers and there wasn’t much after the first incident so we decided to try elsewhere.

So, we went around the corner of Molineaux point away from other boats and setup anchor again. In less than a minute of setting up anchor Dal was on again. This time it was a nice size snapper which we netted safe and kept. There were plenty of activity there and we were wondering why no one else around. Not long after the Port Authority came around and very politely told us that we are in restricted waters. Oops!! I had no idea and learnt my lesson to check the maps more carefully next time. So we pulled up anchor and decided to head to the artificial reef on the other side.


We got to the reef and started the burling again and straightway there were plenty of activity but all being undersize. Kept on going there and slowly the bigger ones started coming. Manns was on to his first for the day albeit a leatherjacket. A few trevallies were around most undersize and I finally hooked on to a size trevally which we kept. It looked like all the interests were on pillies at this place so we all decided to stick to pillies. Manns was on to another nice size snapper which gave him a good fight on his outfit.



With all the activity on our boat I think it got the interest of couple of other boats and they decided to anchor nearby. We didn’t mind the company at all. After a while we saw a massive flattie being hauled in by the guys next to us which I reckon was over a meter long! It only fitted half into their net.. amazing! We were so excited for them and could only imagine how happy they would have been to land such a beast bit we didnn’t have to wait too long, however, as within few mins of witnessing that amazing catch Dal’s rod bent over. We could tell it was heavy and wasn’t fighting too much so had the suspected it to be a flattie. As it came up to the surface Dal scremed out “what is that” obviously he had not seen a big flattie come out of the water before. I got the net out and quickly netted it to ensure it doesn’t escape like it happened to me on my solo trip last time. It was a 63cm flattie which was by far Dal’s PB and needless to say everyone was wrapped.



Everyone, with smiles jaw to jaw, kept on fishing for a while with plenty more activity but winds picked up after a while and when we checked the weather radar to see there was a huge storm heading our way from the south. Happy with the day’s effort and not wanting to take a chance with the storm we made a run for the ramp. The storm didn’t come as quick as we thought so we took the time to clean the fish and to give the boat a wash before heading off. It was great to see the boat washing facilities there and plenty of bays & taps too. Unfortunately, though, someone had cut off the nozzle of the hose which was disappointing to see.


It was a great day out with the mates and everyone had a blast and all are looking forward to the next trip. I’m planning to head out there again tomorrow with another mate to hopefully to get a kingy or two.


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My neighbour and I were on Towra flats on sunday and got some good fish Big trevs a few bream and some flatties on a variety of lures Cant believe the car park was full didn't seem to be many boats out We put in at Oatley and there wasn't many there

Couple of nice flounder you guys got

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Good haul mate. Botany bay is literally the worst system is Australia atm so your killing it, well done.

I thought hawksbury river was the worst. I've found it very hard catch anything decent there.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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