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Dispatching your catch


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Hey everyone,

Just wondering how everyone dispatches their catch? What are the easiest and most acceptable methods? I've read blunt trauma to the head, spiking, slurry, bleeding out. But i was thinking is this applicable to all species? Would it work for a ray? shark? What I normally do, which may not be best practice, is slurry than bleed.

Any tips would be really helpful



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Hit to the back of the head, renders it inconcious, then knife to the heart (you'll see lots of blood coming out), then if I feel like, gut the fish, then ( always ) put the fish on ice. If I gut the fish, I do not throw the guts in the water at the fishing spot, I do that at a later time on the way back to the ramp.

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Cut the throat under the gills and hold it tail up with the head bent back in a bucket of water. Then I usually have a few ice bricks and a bit of water in the eski to chill it down. Best way to treat your catch especially for sashimi. Also when you catch any fish dont let it flap around on the ground as this bruises the flesh mgiving it a bad texture.

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Thanks for the tips fellas, I think I'll go with cutting the throat and then into ice, may try stunning them first and see how i go. Not sure if I'd trust myself with spiking them at this point.

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Mate, all the feed back is good stuff. In this day and age we should also take into account non fishos PERSEPTIONS, If a family of tree huggers walks past to see you cutting the throat of a fish and hang it flailing over a bucket with blood going every where it aint gunna be a good look. I like to be as humane as I reasonably can while getting the best out of my catch.

If the fish is of a size and breed where I can cut the throat and then break its neck quickly and then slurry/cold water that's the go I recon, but being a bit discreet if there are kids around might be advisable. bigger fish may require the spike or priest.

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Mate, all the feed back is good stuff. In this day and age we should also take into account non fishos PERSEPTIONS, If a family of tree huggers walks past to see you cutting the throat of a fish and hang it flailing over a bucket with blood going every where it aint gunna be a good look.  I like to be as humane as I reasonably can while getting the best out of my catch.


If the fish is of a size and breed where I can cut the throat and then break its neck quickly and then slurry/cold water that's the go I recon, but being a bit discreet if there are kids around might be advisable. bigger fish may require the spike or priest. 

Funny you mention discretion. I was fishing off a beach and next to me there was a Frenchman. After a few minutes of chatting his reel starts spinning, he tightens his drag and after a few minutes brings in a nice oz salmon.

So he turns to me for guidance seeing as it's the first fish he's caught here in Australia, so I walk over with a knife a slice thru the fishes gills, blood spilling out into the immediate area... This guy jumps behind me, unzips his jacket and veils me from passers by and with a panicked look on his face, and I says to him " it's ok mate, there's no size limit on oz salmon "....

Anyhow he goes on to explain that in France you're not allowed to slice open a fish in a public area because if there's children present it could traumatise them (not in so many words though), can't remember if it was actually illegal or just frowned upon, but yeah...

If it's to good to be true, it usually is...

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Interesting story fishingphase, goes to show perceptions change / differ. Might seem a bit harsh of me but I would rather have the kids properly educated in how food gets to the table. Not just blatant unexplained violence of course, but being raised on a farm and shown the way it works, but also the value and respect you should show the animal gives you a good grounding. No needless cruelty, no needless killing, but if its going on the table do it right. The knife I use in the yak is pretty hefty and I usually give em a fair whack with the back of the blade just above the eyes, and spike then throat and bleed and ice. Humane and quick and keeps the quality

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I'm with Witha here. My fishing knife is also pretty hefty (kukri) and a swift shot to the back of the head knocks them out very quickly. From there I also cut under its throat to bleed it out. I figure if it is unconscious for the actual cutting it's death is painless. All it knows is suddenly it is out of the water and then blackness. It is fast, ethical and causes the least amount of suffering for said fish. I also give it a quiet thank you for giving its life to feed my family (just for my own personal piece of mind).


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I'm with Witha here. My fishing knife is also pretty hefty (kukri) and a swift shot to the back of the head knocks them out very quickly. From there I also cut under its throat to bleed it out. I figure if it is unconscious for the actual cutting it's death is painless. All it knows is suddenly it is out of the water and then blackness. It is fast, ethical and causes the least amount of suffering for said fish. I also give it a quiet thank you for giving its life to feed my family (just for my own personal piece of mind).


Nice one mate same here.

Woah kukri, you don't screw around :P I use either a bowie style or large skinner type, great for the every day chores on the yak.

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Nice one mate same here.

Woah kukri, you don't screw around :P I use either a bowie style or large skinner type, great for the every day chores on the yak.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

Indeed I don't... It is a brilliant all purpose blade. It sits nicely on my hip whenever I go for a fish. It finishes everything very quickly (I don't like to see things suffer).

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