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Jervis bay. Easter


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Well the weather has been great to enjoy the sites of Jervis bay. Friday was just a scott around to checkout the ramps and make a plan. Saturday and it was up early to head out. By the time I got to murry 's beach ramp the wind was about 15 knotts and a3 m swell. We gave it a great shot with no success. Tried again in the afternoon closer to husky and had a few bites, but, the wind was still around.

Easter sunday and we took our time getting sorted and g a ve St georges basin a go. Got to the ramp and the water looks great. Off we goand the wind picks up......we move to get out of the wind and the motor cuts out... So while I have a look we thow in some lines. Well, then my wife says lets have a bite to eat....What is she eating........ A BLOODY BANNANA. .....I grab it off her and thow it away... and what do you know everything starts to come good.. the motor starts, the wind drops. We move over to the re ed f and some broken ground and we start catching some fish.

Overall, the day was great, great weather and final total was....

10 pinki snapper

10 yellow fin bream

3 small trevaly...

Hope you all had a great easter.. Sorry no photos I didnt hav ed a camera with me

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