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LBG fat little king


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Hi there,

Went out for a fish off the stones yesterday again, after the success on tailors the day before.

This time, I decided to target kings with live yakkas, rocked up around 5.45 on the ledge with 6 yakkas in the bucket and got frustrated as early as the first drift.

1 minute in the water, reel goes zzz, zzzz, zzzzzzz, zzz, that sounds like a shit tailor slaughtering my first yakka, and that's confirmed once I wind the rig back, yakka chopped in half.

Second yakka, same sanction, I therefore decide to take it easy until the sun if fully out.

Half an hour later, I start again and manage a correct drift to the "kill zone" with no tailor, yet! Tailors didn't give a oooo about sunrise or light indeed, and every cast ended up the same, even managed to pull a 55cm greedy chopchopper on my 5th cast.

Last yakka, there is still a bit of hope inside of me, and there the zzz zzz goes again, SCREW IT ! But that zzz zzz that I know was a tailor turns to a zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz in the next second, here we go!

I obviously knew I wasn't dealing with a chopper anymore, and after a heavy fight, I'm expecting to see a 90cm fish popping out of the blue but instead it was a fat little bastard, as heavy as his 90 cm big brother could have been. The fish only measures 79cm but takes 5 kg no worries, healthy as.

I notice that the yakka is again chopped, and understand that the tailor smashing my poor last yakka probably attracted the attention of the king which decided to rule over the tailor and grab the yakka chopped a second earlier.

Tailors are here massively, and there are some very decent ones, some of my yakkas showed a serious cutting curve that let me think about 2 to 3 kg choppers.

I hadn't been fishing kings off the stones for a couple of months, and was so happy to manage that fish before the season dies, and that tailor run as well as the sight of the first whales make me think the end of the season is coming soon, very soon.


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Well done TC. That is a very fat little king you have there! Just before we have to many questions, general area??? Sydney?

Cheers scratchie!!!

Sure mate, Sydney South East, fishing local ;)

As per the other questions, I had a word with a user who shared his frustration by PM and asked me where exactly I caught my tailors (which I completely understand), I copy paste my answer as I genuinely think it can help some people:

Haha mate I would never tell you where I caught them as I'm always looking for isolation when it comes to fishing. Now, I can sincerely tell you that tailors are EVERYWHERE as soon as you get shallows, whitewash (reasonable swell) around this time of the year you'll catch them all day especially when there is a decent overcast. In summer months you might focus around dusk and dawn only.

It is not a matter of knowing or being told spots really, once you know how to locate a good looking spot it's all a matter of being able to chose the right lure and work it the right way at a particular time. This session, fishes were reacting to high speed trolling of a 40 gr raider, but tomorrow they might like a slower wobbling lure instead if the conditions are different.

Tailor spots are numerous around Sydney, I'd just recommend you to go to the closest to your home, they'll be there trust me.

You must really focus on learning how to locate good spot for the right species, it is a step that most people never manage in their fishing life, however one of the most important.

Once there was a time where I was asking spots to elders, until I started to find that people where talking a lot of shit because that's what they've been told over generations and generations, they don't try to think, to find the answers, they rely on others. Around that time, I met a LBG kingfish guru, a guy who caught 12 kings over 15 kilos landbased in his career. I stupidly asked him if he could tell me a few spots that could be good for me to go to and that was his answer:

"I tend to fish places where no one else fishes, if I find a place that doesn't have a "name" that's where I'm going to, I'm giving you a precious advice listen: any spot with more than 2 meters of water in NSW is a prime kingfish spot".

I thought for a while that he was a oooo and he didn't want to share... But eventually, after making my own experiences, I realized there is nothing truer than what he said.

Don't ever ask people about their spots, that is the very best way to be misguided and will prevent you to be good at what you do, hope you'll get the sense of what I'm saying.

Edited by T.C
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That is a great looking king mate. Would have been a great battle from the stones. Gotta be happy with that. What gear were you using on your livey?

Nice king. I think I know that spot ;-)

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I think I know where it is also... might spill the beans on it too.

It is the Tasman sea. Giggity.


Edited by Trout Stalker
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That is a great looking king mate. Would have been a great battle from the stones. Gotta be happy with that. What gear were you using on your livey?

I think I know where it is also... might spill the beans on it too.

It is the Tasman sea. Giggity.


Using custom build spiral rod (home built) 40-80 lb 7.7' Seeker Hercules, accurate boss BX 600 spooled with 24 kg mono and 130 lb leader. Not really mocking around but that's the way it goes if you don't want to lose all your good fishes right? You still lose plenty off the rocks anyway ;) Yeah that one was caught on yakka as said in the report, usually fancying squid a lot more but I failed to catch some the night b4 :)

Note a bloke was chucking gars all along the session next to me and hasn't been sniffed, weird knowing there are so many garies atm....post-30692-0-03706100-1398672782_thumb.jpg

The landscape in the background is not a king spot at all for those who'd think it is, it is just where I took a set of pics of the rod freshly built

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