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sydney harbour mixed bag 27/04/14


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hi raiders. we decided to go fishing yesterday even though the forecast was not good. swell over 2m winds over 25kph. we decided to stay inside the harbour instead of going to botany bay. got to the boat ramp around 9am. plenty of parking spots. not a good sign. while launching the boat a couple of boats were retrieving and told us not a good day to go out. me and my son hadn't gone fishing for almost 3 weeks so we were very keen. got to our 1st spot and there were around half a dozen boats. spent around 30mins and decided to troll to our next spot. put a garfish pn d dowrigger and a rapala and a laser pro. no takers. got to our 2nd spot and started to burley hard with bread.

we had a steady bites of bream and snapper. my son caught his pb bream. 43cm and around 2kg. we were using mullet strips for bait dipped in tuna oil. after 1hr we decided to troll to our 3rd spot. the rod with the garfish went off big time and we were hoping for a kingy. after a couple of minutes a greenback tailor is on the boat. not want we wanted but will do. it was over 50cm. put another garfish on but we didnt get anymore takers. got to our 3rd spot. burley hard again with bread and we keep getting flounder after flounder.after 1hr we decided to go to our 4th spot. no other boat was to be seen. after 30mins we decided to head back to our 1st spot due to the wind had picked up and swell is getting bigger. at this time we were all soaking wet. we were starting to feel the cold too.

trolled to out 1st spot hoping to hook a kingy or tailor or anything really. but no takers. burley hard again with bread and it didnt take long before i hooked on something big. i was using 4lb main and 6lb fc trace. it didnt take long before i got bitten off. decided to use 10lb trace and same thing. got bitten off. decided to use 20lb and didnt get touch so dropped it back to 10lb. after about 1hr we decided to pack up. it was getting dark. we were starting to freeze too. got back to the ramp around 6pm. home by 8pm. ended up with a feed for me and my mates. my son was very happy. thanks for reading.


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Nice report mate, made it worth toughing out the weather in the end by the sounds of it.

Awsome stuff mate what the hell is that pink fish in there?

:clapping: The amazing upsidedown fish :)

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Nice report mate, made it worth toughing out the weather in the end by the sounds of it.



:clapping: The amazing upsidedown fish :)

Thanks mate...fishing with my son is always priceless...im lucky enough my son is also hooked on fishing like me...hes just turned 16 so hell be chasing a different type of fish soon...hahaha

Sent from my C5303 using Tapatalk

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Thanks mate...fishing with my son is always priceless...im lucky enough my son is also hooked on fishing like me...hes just turned 16 so hell be chasing a different type of fish soon...hahaha

Sent from my C5303 using Tapatalk

Yeah I had mine out on Friday, he's 7 1/2 and just starting to get into it, he can go 6 hours on the boat now without whinging to go home, although he does say he needs a rest after catching a decent trevally or too many bait fish but I can handle that :) It's fantastic as it means more permission slips from the Mrs since it's not just me heading out and he's on my side begging to get out for a fish as often as possible!

Think mine will be sticking to the piscatorial species for a while longer tho haha!

Edited by Linc
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Yeah I had mine out on Friday, he's 7 1/2 and just starting to get into it, he can go 6 hours on the boat now without whinging to go home, although he does say he needs a rest after catching a decent trevally or too many bait fish but I can handle that :)  It's fantastic as it means more permission slips from the Mrs since it's not just me heading out and he's on my side begging to get out for a fish as often as possible!

Think mine will be sticking to the piscatorial species for a while longer tho haha!

Same here mate...its easier for me to get a day pass from d boss as long as im with my son...cant ask for more...a new boat will be pushing it too far...hehehe

lifes too short...go fishing when u can...

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Nice job mate

Looks like a great feed and some great fish

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thanks mate...getting busted twice in 10mins was torture for me...hehehe

lifes too short...go fishing when u can...

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Great job on the fish the kings have almost disappeared out of the harbour

Cheers sydneyfisher12

Were still hoping for a rare hoodlum...thanks...we will be chasing d jewy soon...its almost that time again...

lifes too short...go fishing when u can...

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