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Quiet Night


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After reading Stewie's post from a few years back on Chippo lakes, I thought I'd try to fish locally. Went out to Revesby ready to finally use all this SP gear I've been trying to put together since the SP day on Sunday. 8lb braid, 6lb fluoro leader, 1/8 Oz Jighead. Tried a 3" Gulp Minnow in a pumpkin seed and a 3" Shaky Shad in a smelt.

Sadly, after sticking it out for 2 hours with nothing, my hands were numb and I lost motivation.

The fellow next to me pulled out 2 nice looking Breams on some real heavy gear. He just baited up the rods, sat back and did nothing while the fish hooked themselves onto his heavy-ass mono with a fat sinker.

One day I will master plastics, but not today....

Edited by dnmn8r
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Don't lose heart. It will happen.

I'd say check the tide times and fish the hours around the high tide.

I'm no expert.

You could always pm your instructor from Sunday I'm sure they would be happy to help.

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Don't give up mate it's all about perservering and eventually the results will come and when they do you won't look back.

As Ryder mentioned try to fish around the high tide if you can.

If conditions allow maybe try a 1/16 jig head with those SPs and see how you go. The 1/16 will have a slower sinking rate than the 1/8 and you will still be able to get a reasonable cast in.

If you do find yourself fishing next to someone using bait and don't get any hits it's probably best to move further along the shore away from them as the theory is that the fish will 'switch on' to the bait used and focus their attention on that rather than the SP.

Covering ground on the shoreline is also important so after several casts in one spot without any hits move a little along the shoreline until you do get in amongst action.

Good luck and hang in there and hope you get onto some nice fish on SP very soon.


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Don't give up mate it's all about perservering and eventually the results will come and when they do you won't look back.

As Ryder mentioned try to fish around the high tide if you can.

If conditions allow maybe try a 1/16 jig head with those SPs and see how you go. The 1/16 will have a slower sinking rate than the 1/8 and you will still be able to get a reasonable cast in.

If you do find yourself fishing next to someone using bait and don't get any hits it's probably best to move further along the shore away from them as the theory is that the fish will 'switch on' to the bait used and focus their attention on that rather than the SP.

Covering ground on the shoreline is also important so after several casts in one spot without any hits move a little along the shoreline until you do get in amongst action.

Good luck and hang in there and hope you get onto some nice fish on SP very soon.


Great advise there Ian. Also change the colors and sizes of SP's you are using.

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Don't give up mate it's all about perservering and eventually the results will come and when they do you won't look back.


As Ryder mentioned try to fish around the high tide if you can.


If conditions allow maybe try a 1/16 jig head with those SPs and see how you go. The 1/16 will have a slower sinking rate than the 1/8 and you will still be able to get a reasonable cast in.


If you do find yourself fishing next to someone using bait and don't get any hits it's probably best to move further along the shore away from them as the theory is that the fish will 'switch on' to the bait used and focus their attention on that rather than the SP.


Covering ground on the shoreline is also important so after several casts in one spot without any hits move a little along the shoreline until you do get in amongst action. 


Good luck and hang in there and hope you get onto some nice fish on SP very soon.



Thanks for that write up Ian. I'll definitely get my hands on some lighter jig heads. I'll try and aim for high tide for the next few sessions, which will hopefully be very, very soon.

Hopefully when I can take the boat out, I'll be able to cover much more ground and use lighter gear if I don't need to worry about casting.


Sent from my XT1033 using Tapatalk

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Caught my first 2 fish on plastics today :D

Admittedly they were both undersized pinkies and I wasn't even holding the rod at the time, it's still progress.

Despite their reputation of being stupid easy to catch, ive caught less flathead than any other species....

Sent from my XT1033 using Tapatalk

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With bream they are realy finicky so try 4-6lb leader about a rods length 1/16 jigheads and 1-2.5 inch lures as bream will smash these any bigger and your technique has to be perfect as for flatties i use any where up to a 3/8 oz jighead even in only 2 m of water and i use 3-5 inch soft plastics im a fan of berkley ripple shads in the powerbaits and zman soft plastics in virtually any of thier 3-5 inch lures all you do is cast out let it hit the bottom a big rip let it settle again wind in most of the slack not all and rip it again the purpose of this is to get the sp as high as you can off the bottom so the flatties can see it and they will often chase it the point of leaving some slack before the rip is because you dont want to rip the lure out of the flatties mouth its kind of like a bit of a shock obsorber kingies will take lures on this retrieve as i found out the hard way on a 2-4 kg rod and he busted me off

Still haven't had a chance to pick up some lighter jig-heads, but hopefully I'll find some time to go tackle shopping this week.

I can only imagine the pain of hooking a perfect fish, only for it to be on the wrong rig :/ Off the beach?

Well done.

Hang on! and hang in.

There's not much like the first keeper

Thanks mate, I definitely will. The keeper will come soon, I can feel it.

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Hey mate, It sounds like your first trip out was at night? From what I've read and heard its harder to catch with plastics at night, although not impossible. I myself haven't tried much at night, once the sun sets I generally pack up or switch over to bait. You have the right idea by using scented Berkley Gulp though, this will help at night.

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