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Weekend approaches - Who is game?


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Its Friday and most people would anticipate for a fish over the coming weekend. WIth the cold and grey clouds, who is still game? Anybody braving it out this weekend ??? If so what's your plan of attack?

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Mate I am always keen. I'm going to go down to the local rock platform with fly rod in hand and try to convince a few blackies to take my fly. If that doesn't work I will take a spin rod also loaded with a squid jig and go for a few of those instead.


This should be In fishing chat not fishing reports. ;)

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I plan to ask/beg for a full Saturday as the kids have a bye this weekend. Been itching to go for the last two weeks but between a work hours change and the logistics and tide times I just have not had the chance.

One way or another I am wetting a line this weekend!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Mothers Day weekend, boy you are all very brave or have you bought some great presents for the kids to give to Mum. And arranged lunch at a special place.

Me? I am a born coward, gardening tomorrow, picnic and presents Sunday.



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Mothers Day weekend, boy you are all very brave or have you bought some great presents for the kids to give to Mum. And arranged lunch at a special place.

Me? I am a born coward, gardening tomorrow, picnic and presents Sunday.



Mothers day is only Sunday right??? Saturday is aaaaaaaall mine hehehe.


I think I have either balls of steel or head of rocks. ;)

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